
来源 :中国社会公共安全研究报告 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:whm9903
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微博的出现和广泛应用是一场人类信息传播形态的革命,当前我国网络舆论热点持续增加,总体呈上升态势,“百万级点击率”的网络群体事件屡见不鲜。网络群体事件数量猛增,在一定程度上映射出社会紧张度正在上升。微博已成为思想文化信息的集散地和社会舆论的放大器,我们要充分认识以微博为代表的新兴媒体的社会影响力,高度重视微博的建设、运用、管理,努力使微博成为传播社会主义先进文化的前沿阵地、提供公共文化服务的有效平台、促进人们精神生活健康发展的广阔空间。面对复杂的社会舆论环境和网上意识形态斗争现状,必须高度重视网络阵地,加强网络舆情汇集和分析,正确引导网络舆论,既要学会运用微博进行宣传和舆论引导,又要加强对微博信息传播的有效管理,同时积极应对微博上传播的负面热点事件,科学处置、主动引导,化舆论被动为主动,使微博成为密切党和政府与人民群众血肉联系的桥梁和纽带。本文倡导的是政府和社会共同参与的治理,更确切地说,是以政府发挥主导作用,社会力量积极参与,二者合作的网络舆情治理模式,这主要是由网络舆情的特点以及我国社会经济转型期公民社会发展状况决定的。 The emergence and widespread use of Weibo is a revolution in the form of human information dissemination. At present, the hot spots of network public opinion in our country continue to increase, showing an overall upward trend. The “one million clicks” network group events are not uncommon. The surge in the number of cyber-group incidents, to a certain extent, reflects the rising social tensions. Microblogging has become a hub of ideological and cultural information and an amplifier of public opinion. We should fully understand the social influence of emerging media represented by Weibo and attach great importance to the construction, operation and management of Weibo so as to make Weibo become a communication society The advanced frontier of advanced culture, the effective platform for providing public cultural services, and the vast space for the healthy development of people’s spiritual life. In the face of complex social conditions of public opinion and online ideological struggle, we must attach great importance to the network position, to strengthen network public opinion pooling and analysis, and correctly guide the network of public opinion, we must learn to use microblogging publicity and guidance, but also to strengthen microblogging At the same time, it actively coped with the negative hot issues spread on Weibo, scientifically disposed and initiatively guided the public opinion to be passive and active, making Weibo the bridge and bond between the Party and the government and the people. This article advocates the governance that the government and the society participate together. To be more precise, it is the network public opinion governance mode that the government plays a leading role and the social forces actively participate in and cooperate with each other. This is mainly caused by the characteristics of online public opinion and the social economy of our country The development of civil society in transition determines the status of.
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螂掣嚎离…娜髻畏尚命徽戳翼粼然梦灯族御_。}蒸聪豁麟黝薰课妮髯樱督嫩翻黝缆羹粼晨@赵晖 螂掣嚎 螂掣嚎 ... 髻 髻 髻 髻 髻 髻 髻 髻 髻 尚 尚 尚 尚. } Cong Song Yun Y
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