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要理解臧克家,首先要了解诗人的悲剧性体验。臧克家1905年出生在山东诸城,18岁前一直生活在乡间的家园。他从小不乏对人生的悲剧性体验。祖父和父亲参加武装反清斗争失利,诗人8岁时母亲就受惊而故世;由于患肺 To understand Zang Kejia, we must first understand the poet’s tragic experience. Zang Kejia was born in 1905 in Zhucheng, Shandong, 18 years ago has been living in rural homes. He had no shortage of tragedy of life experience. Grandfather and father participated in the armed struggle to defeat the anti-Qing defeat, the poet at the age of 8, the mother was frightened and died; due to lung