
来源 :吉林医学信息 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zzh787
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在日前召开的吉林省省长办公会上,省长王珉指出,各级政府和有关部门要统一思想,提高认识,进一步增强做好社区卫生工作的责任感。王珉强调,社区卫生服务涉及千家万户,是提供基本卫生服务、提高群众健康水平的重要保障。它肩负着解决群众看病难、看病贵问题和提高居民生活质量的重要使命,是惠及广大群众,坚持以人为本、促进和谐社会建没的重要内容。因此,吉林省政府决定,明年拨付1000万元,作为启动加强社区卫 At a recent meeting of governors of Jilin Province, Governor Wang Min pointed out that all levels of government and relevant departments should unify their thinking, raise their awareness and further enhance their sense of responsibility in doing well in community health work. Wang Min emphasized that community health services involve millions of families and is an important guarantee for providing basic health services and improving the people’s health. It shoulders the important task of solving the difficulties of seeing and treating the sick, the problem of expensive medical care and the quality of life of the residents. It is an important part of benefiting the broad masses of the people and upholding the principle of putting people first and promoting a harmonious society. Therefore, the Jilin provincial government decided to allocate 10 million yuan next year as a start to strengthen community health
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