西双版纳作为世界北回归线上仅存的一片绿州,犹如一颗璀灿的明珠镶嵌在祖国的西南边疆。然而,与盛产毒品的“金三角”相距仅数十公里的西双版纳,便成了境内外毒犯的垂涎之地。近年来,西双版纳广大边防民兵禁毒显神威,打了一场又一场令贩毒吸毒犯罪分子闻风丧胆的漂亮仗。 “瘾君子”的克星 聚居着傣、哈尼、布朗等13个少数民族的西双版纳,在80年代至90年代这段时间,吸食毒品的村民增多,给社会、家庭造成危害。为尽快铲除这一死灰复燃的“毒瘤”,各民兵分队纷纷办起了戒毒学习
Xishuangbanna as the world’s only remaining Tropic of Cancer on the Green State, like a bright pearl inlaid in the motherland’s southwestern frontier. However, Xishuangbanna, just tens of kilometers away from the Golden Triangle that produces drugs, has become the coveted place for drug insiders in and outside the country. In recent years, a large number of border militiamen in Xishuangbanna have demonstrated their ability to guard against narcotics and fought another fierce battle that made drug-trafficking drug criminals fearless. The nemesis of “drug addicts” gathered in Xishuangbanna of 13 ethnic minorities such as Dai, Hani, and Brown. During the 1980s and 1990s, the number of villagers taking drugs was increasing, causing harm to society and their families. As soon as possible to eradicate this resurgent “cancer”, all militia units have set up drug treatment learning