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匈牙利工会中央委员会安全工作研究协会对用泡沫降低岩石掘进中空气含尘量提出了一种方法。这里提供的这个情报对采矿工业很有益处,并可依照所提的线索进行试验研究。在采矿工业中,特别是在岩石掘进中会产生许多粉尘,必然有害健康并能引起矽肺病。可采用的扑尘方法有几种,如真空抽尘方法以及使用喷雾方法,钻眼注水或在掌子面喷雾。可是这两种方法都不适合于大规模使用;并且对要求达到的防尘等级不完全有效,同时这些方法应用起来有时显得笨重而不灵活。为了克服这些困难,研究协会的工作者就着手展开了泡沫扑尘的研究。使用结果使坑道空气含尘量可减少到无损于工人健康的程度。在爱斯莱贝恩矽肺病协会的研究基础上,他们成功地发展了一种用泡沫掘进的方法,这种方法是使泡沫通过空心钻杆或钎杆传到钻眼,在排出之前钻眼中产生的任何粉尘都可以浸混在泡床中。在没有采用湿式凿岩的地方或者采用湿式凿岩费用比较大或有困难时,这种新方法特别适用;这种新方法也可以用于遇水膨胀的岩石掘进,因为泡沫含有很少的水份。这种新方法的缺点,如同一般的湿式凿岩一样,就是和干式凿岩相比钻眼速度减低。为了消除这个缺点,就需要用较大的钻眼机去完成同样的进尺。湿式凿岩和泡沫掘进的效果大致相同。如对遇水膨胀的 The Hungarian Federation of Trade Unions Safe Working Research Institute proposed a method for reducing the amount of airborne dust in rock tunneling with foam. The information provided here is of great benefit to the mining industry and can be pilot tested against the clues presented. In the mining industry, especially in rock excavation, there is a lot of dust that is inevitably harmful to health and can cause silicosis. Can be used in several ways to dust, such as vacuum dust extraction methods and the use of spray methods, water injection or drilling in the palm face spray. However, neither method is suitable for large-scale use; and it is not completely effective in achieving the required level of dust protection, and at the same time, these methods are sometimes cumbersome and inflexible to use. In order to overcome these difficulties, research association workers embarked on a study of bubble dust. As a result, the amount of airborne dust in the tunnel can be reduced to such an extent that it does not harm the health of workers. Building on the research conducted by the Society of Eslibain Silicosis, they successfully developed a method of tunneling with foam by passing the foam through a hollow drill rod or drill rod to the borehole and drilling it before it was drained Any dust generated can be mixed in the bubble bed. This new method is especially useful where wet rock drilling is not a popular or difficult task with wet rock drilling; this new method can also be used to tunnel water-swollen rock because the foam contains little water Copies The disadvantage of this new method, as with conventional wet rock drilling, is the reduced drilling speed compared to dry rock drilling. In order to eliminate this disadvantage, you need to use the larger drilling machine to complete the same footage. Wet rock drilling and foam tunneling effect is roughly the same. Such as water swelling
本仪器以内、外径定位,按深度百分表的原理进行工作,可检查米制、英制和梯形内、外螺纹的中径(185—600毫米)。首先测量出实际外径d_(H·φ) 或实际内径d_(B·φ),并按下式
最近几年,涂料工业经历了大的变化。由于环境保护的要求及经济上的考虑、消除或减少涂料中的有机溶剂成为重要技术课题,发展了水性涂料,高固体份涂料以及粉末涂料。 In rec
在机械制造工厂中,成形铣刀用的较多。其中一些铣刀形状比较特殊,它的齿形侧刃(副切削刃)与轴心线垂直,如图1中 AB 所示。这样的成形铣刀,过去采用径向铲齿法加工,不但得不
本文从实验上首次用xy函数记录仪观察到B-Z化学振荡反应的极限环线的形状.实验装置图示意如下:请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 In this paper, we first obse