
来源 :海洋地质译丛 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chenfurongyalan
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大多数陆架上近底流场的特征可以用叠加在准稳定平均水流上的波浪引起的摆动流(周期为3—20秒)来表示;这种准稳定平均水流可能是潮汐和/或风力躯动的。在这种流场中海底沉积物的再悬浮作用内有各种相互影响因素:有海底的粗糙程度、沉积物结构、密度分 The characteristics of the near-bottom flow field over most of the shelf can be represented by wobble waves (periods of 3-20 seconds) superimposed on waves of a quasi-steady average water flow; this quasi-steady mean flow may be a tidal and / or wind body moveable. Within this flow field there are various interdependent factors within the resuspension of seabed sediments: the roughness of the seabed, sediment structure, density
Chaetoceros muelleri Lemmermann was cultured in solution of different concentrations of Cu2+, Pb2+, Zn2+ and Cd2+, and in mixtures of any two of them. After 6
供应链越简单销售渠道就越畅通销量也就越大,这是人们的一般理解。但是邻居韩国人却提供了反证。他们建立的复杂又花时间的销售渠道反而聚集了更多的中国游客,从而扩大了销量,给我们树立了一个短期内难以超越的榜样。这其中的原因就是:物美价廉、货真价实、信用良好。结果就是中国人趋之若鹜,肥水流入外人田。复杂的销售体系  其实,韩国人建立的销售方式程序挺繁琐的。每人购买的物品首先得由销售小姐录入电脑系统,记录商品
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The diurnal vertical migration of planktonic crustaceans may be divided into two types: Type 1, species with marked diurnal vertical migration; Type 2, species
This paper studies the abrupt change of equilibria state and the equilibria state of low order, barotropical and dissipative system under thermal forcing that
- In order to reduce the wave run-up and quantity of wave overtopping, the practice of dumping stones in front of seawall and other marine structures to dissip