
来源 :小学生优秀作文 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hudanrong
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为了迎接艺术节,我们合唱团开始准备《太阳出来了》这首歌。每天早上,伴着晨曦和鸟鸣,我们集合练歌。练习中,我们遇到了小插曲。当一声部唱跑调的时候,当二声部唱得太高的时候,当两个声部没合上的时候……唱得对的总会埋怨唱得错的。老师说,相互埋怨是解决不了任何问题的,大家只有齐心协力才能把歌唱好。老师说得对,我们都开始从自己身上找原因。最后,我们 In order to meet the festival, our choir started to prepare “The Sun Comes Out” song. Every morning, accompanied by dawn and birdsong, we gather songs. Practice, we encountered an episode. When a chorus runs, when the second part sings too high, when the two parts do not close ... Singing is always complaining and singing wrong. The teacher said that complaining to each other can not solve any problem, and everyone can work together to sing well. The teacher is right, we all start to find the reason from ourselves. Finally, we
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以异乎寻常方式对光进行变换的四种材料正在为用于建造出对光通讯系统最快速器件的竞争中不相上下。 Four materials that transform light in an unusual way are rivaling
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基于原位反应复合材料生长的Extended Vapor—Liquid—Solid机制(简称EVLS),设计使用Al—Si—Mg合金为母相,煅烧过的SiC(14μm)细颗粒为预制件,采用加水CaSO_4与Al_2O_3混合
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