
来源 :中国有色金属 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangqingj
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成果介绍楚雄滇中有色金属有限责任公司(以下简称“滇中有色公司”或“我公司”)通过合理安排生产计划,采取丰水期满负荷生产,把年度检修安排在枯水期,平水期稳定生产的生产模式,合理控制生产组织,积极政策争取来提高生产及用电综合管理水平,将2014年平均电单价由2013年的0.5655元/千瓦时下降至0.5425元/千瓦时,间接创造经济效益:100898180×(0.5655-0.5425)=232.07万元,电费占吨铜生产成本的比例由2013年的29.08%,下降至26.24%,占吨酸生产成本的比例由2013年的43.01%下降至40.84%。不仅降低产品生产成本还规范用电负荷管理模式,提高年度检修计划性,提高生产组织管理水平,提高团队解决问题能力。 Results Introduction Chuxiong Yunnan Nonferrous Metals Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “nonferrous metals companies in Yunnan Province” or “My company”) through reasonable arrangements for production plans to take full load of abundant water production, the annual maintenance arrangements in the dry season, Stabilize the production mode during the flat-water period, reasonably control the production organization and strive to improve the comprehensive management level of production and electricity consumption by reducing the average electricity unit price in 2014 from 0.5655 yuan / kWh in 2013 to 0.5425 yuan / kWh in indirect terms To create economic benefits: 100898180 × (0.5655-0.5425) = 2.207 million yuan, the proportion of the electricity cost in the production cost per ton of copper decreased from 29.08% in 2013 to 26.24%, and the proportion of the production cost of tanoic acid decreased from 43.01% in 2013 To 40.84%. Not only reduce product cost but also standardize the load management mode, improve the annual maintenance plan, improve the production organization and management level, improve the ability of the team to solve the problem.
年至半百入湘西,虽少了些激情,但也多了些深邃。然而,一旦融入,就像生活在感动的世界里,就会收获在感恩的人生中,多了心灵感悟,多了精神担当,多了审美自觉,用激情来拥 Into
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“国家虾产业技术体系建设启动会”于2009年2月28日~3月1日在广州中山大学举行,会议由国家虾产业技术体系首席科学家何建国教授主持,15名岗位科学家和17个试验站站 “Nation
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