
来源 :中学数学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:laobo999
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笔者在《弦切角》一节公开课教学中采取了与教本(初级中学课本几何第二册)不同的证明方法,受到了二十名听课者的一致肯定,下面是教学实录,仅供同行参考。教学内容:初三几何§7.11弦切角课时安排:共分两课时 (第一课时) 教学目的:1.使学生掌握弦切角的定义并能正确判定弦切角; 2.熟练掌握三种情况下的弦切角的证明方法及推论的证明方法; 3.使学生能利用定理及推论进行简单证明; 4.初步培养学生的运动观点。 The author has adopted a different method of proof from the textbook (second grade textbook geometry in the second edition) in the open course teaching in the section “Beveled Corner”, which has been unanimously affirmed by the 20 participants. The following is the teaching record, only for the peers. reference. Teaching Content: Junior 3 Geometry §7.11 String Cut-off Hours Arrangement: There are two classes (first class). Purpose of teaching: 1. Make students master the definition of chord angle and correctly determine chord angle; 2. Master three types The proof method of the cut angle of the case and the proof method of the deduction; 3. To enable the student to use the theorem and the inference to simply prove; 4. To cultivate the student’s sports point of view.
提示:(5)总数是C(1/3)+C(2/3)+C(3/3)=7;故选A。(6) 设任一x-12m+8n,p=3m+2n,q=-(3m+2n),则x=12m+8n=4(3m+2n)=20(3m+2n)-16(3m+2n)=20p+16q,故x∈B,从而AB,同理可证BA,故A=
<正> 初中几何第二册“比例线段”中的“黄金分割”内容是平面几何教学中的一个难点。但由于黄金分割在实际中具有广泛的应用,因此,它又是教学中的一个重点。在这一课题的教
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