
来源 :云南金融 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zl74531
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金融是现代经济的核心。经济决定金融,经济的发展水平决定金融的发展水平。但是,金融在服务于经济的过程中,又反作用于经济,金融的发展和信贷结构影响着经济发展的速度和结构。为实现党的十五大提出的我国改革开放和现代化建设跨世纪发展的宏伟目标,党的十五届四中全会专门对国有企业改革和发展的若干重大问题作出了决定。国有商业银行和国有企业作为现代经济运行的两大主题,由于受一些因素的影响和制约,二者之间的关系存在着一些问题,在某种程度上还出现了扭曲的现象,给金融体制改革和经济体制改革带来了不利的影响。因此,如何构建我国社会主义市场经济条件下的新型银企关系,对经济体制改革和国民 Finance is the core of the modern economy. Economic decision Financial and economic development level determines the level of financial development. However, in the process of serving the economy, finance also reacts to the economic and financial development and the credit structure affects the speed and structure of economic development. In order to realize the grand goal of our country's reform and opening up and the modernization drive during the new century as proposed by the 15th National Party Congress, the Fourth Plenary Session of the 15th Central Committee of the Party made a decision on several major issues concerning the reform and development of state-owned enterprises. As the two major themes in the operation of the modern economy, the state-owned commercial banks and the state-owned enterprises have some problems because of the influence and restriction of some factors. To some extent, there are also distorted phenomena, which give the financial system Reform and economic reform have had a negative impact. Therefore, how to construct a new type of relationship between banks and enterprises under the conditions of our socialist market economy, and how to reform the economic system and the nationals
一  多年前,于千万里外的旅途中,夜宿一农家。早晨起来,小村里一片祥和,正是夏日,绿荫浓笼,新鲜的阳光栖在每一片叶子上。主人家的小男孩出来,在院子里的一个水井边汲水,然后去浇南园中的一棵小树,而他的爷爷,正背着手悠闲地在门外的土路上散步。  我问男孩:“这树是你栽的吧?要不你怎么这么勤快地去浇它?”  男孩腼腆地笑,点头。他爷爷正踱进院子,乐呵呵地说:“村里的孩子都栽树,等长大后成家时打家具!”男
本文主要从德、学、才、识四个方面论述了作为一名物理教师所应具备的知识结构,以期对当前的物理教学有所启发。 This article mainly discusses the knowledge structure t
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