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随着中国经济的腾飞,中国文化与世界文化的交流和碰撞,中国文化的艺术发展更加多元化,中国艺术发展并不盲从欧美艺术的发展潮流,而是在开放的心态下进行自主性的选择与创造。的确,相对于上个世纪中国不同历史阶段呈现出的不同油画风貌和创作心态,新世纪中国油画的步履显得深沉而稳健。当代中国油画不是把还有多少形式可以翻新,还有多少技法可以试验,还有多少先锋性与前卫性可以发现作为前行的课题,而是在扎扎实实地研习欧洲油画源流的基础上进行深度的本土化探索。应该说,一批从上个世纪90年代开始进入人们视线的油画家成为新世纪中国油画的创作骨干。他们对于欧洲传统与现代油画的理解和运用比起此前的数代中国油画前辈更深入也更细微了,他们对于油画语言的认知与掌握已从技术层面上升到文化高度。中国当代油画的发展和表现当代现实社会之间的内在联系为切入通过深刻的反映现在都市的现实生活,生存状态,以此来讨论油画创作所折射出的当代人的精神价值实质。我试图通过油画的张力极其敏锐的表达主要集中80后与90后都市青年形象与内心世界的捕捉从而去挖掘人的欲望,情感,虚伪,贪婪的本能。同时本文将画家的创作与当代青年人应当去倡导的一种新型价值观联系起来,阐述中国当代油画应该关注当下,关注社会,光注更多迷离的心灵。从现实出发,用表现的方式满足现代人的审美情趣。从而给迷失中的人们,心灵上一种启发。 With the rapid economic development in China and the exchange and collision between Chinese culture and world culture, the art development of Chinese culture is more diversified. The development of Chinese art is not blindly following the trend of European and American art. Instead, it is an autonomous choice under the open mind With creation. Indeed, relative to the different oil painting styles and creative mentality presented in different historical stages of China in the last century, the pace of Chinese oil painting in the new century appears to be deep and steady. How much more can contemporary Chinese oil painting not be refurbished, how many techniques can be tested, and how many avant-garde and avant-garde issues can be found as a matter of foresight. Instead, the depth of studying Chinese oil painting based on a solid study The localization of exploration. It should be said that a group of oil painters who entered the line of sight from the 90s of the last century became the backbone of Chinese oil painting in the new century. Their understanding and application of traditional and modern oil paintings in Europe are more in-depth and more subtle than those of previous generations of Chinese oil painters. Their cognition and mastery of the language of oil painting have risen from a technical level to a cultural level. The development of Chinese contemporary oil painting and the intrinsic relationship between the present and the present real society are based on a deep reflection of the real life and state of existence in today’s city in order to discuss the essence of the spiritual value of contemporary people as reflected in the oil painting creation. I try to capture the human instincts of desire, emotion, hypocrisy and greed through the extremely acute tension of oil painting, which mainly captures the images of urban youth and the inner world after 90s. At the same time, this article links the creation of painters with a new type of values ​​which contemporary young people should advocate. It expounds the contemporary Chinese oil painting should pay attention to the present, pay attention to the society, and pay more attention to the blurred mind. Proceeding from reality, with the way of expression to meet the aesthetic taste of modern people. To the lost people, a spiritual inspiration.
【摘要】 文章主要讲述了如何在英语教学中诱发学生学习兴趣的问题。并从五个方面对这个问题进行了探讨。  【关键词】 英语教学 兴趣 趣味性  英语教学就是最大限度地培养和激发学生的学习兴趣。兴趣是人们力求认识或探究某种事物的一种倾向性,它不是天然形成的,而是以需要为基础的。学生一旦对你所教的学科产生兴趣,就会对教师产生一种亲切感,“亲其师,心其道”,他们就会非常渴望上你的课,就会全身心地参与
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