
来源 :财会通讯 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liyang3d
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社会主义银行是一个综合经济部门,与各企、事业单位关系十分密切,它可以运用信贷、现金、利率、结算等经济杠杆和拥有的信息网络,促进企业提高效益。因此,从银行所具有的职能作用来看,在促进企业扭亏增盈上是完全有条件的。去年以来,武汉市人民银行把开展经济调查当作促进企业扭亏增盈的突破口,通过调查分析,明确企业扭亏增盈的关键,制订信贷工作项目,取得了实际效果。一是抓产品开发,促适销对路。如武汉第四针织厂的尼龙衫等产品翻新慢,卖不出去,1982年亏损17万元。信贷员与工厂一起下去调查,了解到群众需要提花涤纶布,于是及时发放贷款68万元,支持企业上新产品,对滞销的尼龙衫停止贷款,去年该厂共上十种新花色涤纶布,由亏变盈31万元。 The socialist bank is an integrated economic sector. It has a very close relationship with various enterprises and institutions. It can use economic levers such as credit, cash, interest rates, and settlements, as well as the information network it possesses, to promote enterprises to improve efficiency. Therefore, judging from the functional role of the bank, it is entirely conditional for the company to increase its profitability. Since last year, the People’s Bank of Wuhan City has used the economic investigation as a breakthrough point to promote the company’s turning losses into profits. Through investigation and analysis, it has identified the key to the company’s turning losses and gains, and worked out credit projects, and achieved practical results. The first is to grasp product development and promote marketability. For example, the nylon sweaters of Wuhan No. 4 Knitting Factory were slow to refurbish, and they failed to sell. They lost 1.7 million yuan in 1982. The loan officer went down with the factory to investigate and learned that the people needed jacquard polyester fabrics. So they immediately issued loans of 680,000 yuan to support new products on the enterprise and stopped loans for unsold nylon jerseys. Last year, the factory had a total of ten new polyester fabrics. Losses from the loss of 310,000 yuan.
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