
来源 :Agricultural Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hellen
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The rooting and growth of frozen cassava under different chemical treatments were studied.The result has demonstrated that disinfection effect could increase rooting rate and seedling emergence rate of cassava seed stem and decrease the rate of mildew.The sportak treatment could generate better effect(rooting rate and seedling emergence rate were 63%,the mildew rate of stem was 28%).Among different rooting reagents,Genwang+lime treatment generated better effect on rooting rate and emergence rate of frozen cassava than these of other groups and control group.It was concluded from the effects of different rooting reagents on growth of seed stem that Genwang+lime treatment could promote elongation and growth of cassava significantly(the mean plant height of experimental groups inceased 8.58 cm compared with that of control group) while paclobutrazol+lime generated the best effect on crassation of stem(the stem diameter of experimental group increased 0.4 cm compared with that of control group). The rooting and growth of frozen cassava under different chemical treatments were studied.The result has demonstrated that disinfection effect could increase rooting rate and seedling emergence rate of cassava seed stem and decrease the rate of mildew. Sportk treatment could generate better effect (rooting rate and the seedling emergence rate were 63%, the mildew rate of stem was 28%). Gentian + lime treatment generated better effect on rooting rate and emergence rate of frozen cassava than these of other groups and control group .It was concluded from the effects of different rooting reagents on growth of seed stem that that of Genwang + lime treatment could promote elongation and growth of cassava significantly (the mean plant height of experimental groups inceased 8.58 cm compared with that of control group) while paclobutrazol + lime generated the best effect on crassation of stem (the stem diameter of experimental group increased 0.4 cm compared with that of control g roup).
根据试验结果,得出煤浆经磁处理能够改善其过滤性能。分析了改善过滤性能的基本原理,以及对脱水设备生产效率提高的原因,提出工业应用的技术途径. According to the test result
摘 要:江泽民同志指出:“创新是一个民族的灵魂,是国家兴旺发达的不竭动力。”“缺乏创新精神的民族是没有希望的。”本文遵循创新能力培养的规律,重点从好奇心的激发、课堂氛围的营造、主体地位的突出、大胆猜想的推行、自学活动的开展五个方面,详尽论述了“在小学数学课堂教学中培养学生创新能力”的问题。  关键词:小学数学 创新能力 课堂教学    1 激发好奇心,树立创新意识    1.1 用数学发展史激发好
摘 要:“研究性学习法”由教育学家苏霍姆林斯基在《让学生进行独立的脑力劳动——研究性学习法》一文中提出,它是建立在心理学和哲学理论基础之上的一种新型学习研究活动。本文分析了“数学研究性学习”的定义,并阐述了 “数学研究性学习”的具体操作,重点论述了“在小学数学教学中如何开展‘研究性学习’”的问题。  关键词:小学数学 研究性学习    1 “数学研究性学习”的定义    小学数学研究性学习是小学数