Potential implications of Helicobacter pylori-related neutrophil-activating protein

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tk6014
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Helicobacter pylori (H.pylori) virulence factors promote the release of various chemoattractants/inflammatory mediators,including mainly the neutrophilattractant chemokine interleukin-8 and neutrophilactivating protein (NAP),involved in H.pylori-induced gastric pathologies.Co-administration of Chios mastic gum (CMG),which inhibits H.pylori NAP,with an H.pylori eradication regimen might add clinical benefits against H.pylori-related gastric pathologies,but possibly not CMG as main therapy.Although H.pylori NAP and other H.pylori-related cytotoxins [i.e.,vaculating cytotoxin (VacA)] appear to play a major role in generating and maintaining the H.pylori-associated gastric inflammatory response and H.pylori NAP is a promising vaccine candidate against H.pylori infection (H.pylori-I),concerns regarding its potential drawbacks,particularly neurogenic ones,due to possible crossmimicry,should be considered.Possible cross-mimicry between H.pylori NAP and/or bacterial aquaporin (AQP) and neural tissues may be associated with the anti-AQP-4 antibody-related neural damage in multiple sclerosis (MS)/neuromyelitis optica patients.Moreover,the sequence homology found between H.pylori VacA and human Na+/K+-ATPase A subunit suggests that antibodies to VacA involve ion channels in abaxonal Schwann cell plasmalemma resulting in demyelination in some patients.A series of factors have been implicated in inducing blood-brain barrier (BBB) disruption,including inflammatory mediators (e.g.,cytokines and chemokines induced by H.pylori-I) and oxidative stress.BBB disruption permits access of AQP4-specific antibodies and T lymphocytes to the central nervous system,thereby playing a major role in multiple sclerosis pathogenesis.Relative studies show a strong association between H.pylori-I and MS.H.pylori-I induces humoral and cellular immune responses that,owing to the sharing of homologous epitopes (molecular mimicry),cross-react with components of nerves,thereby contributing and perpetuating neural tissue damage.Finally,H.pylori NAP also plays a possible pathogenetic role in both gastric and colon oncogenesis. Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) virulence factors promote the release of various chemoattractants / inflammatory mediators, including mainly the neutrophilattractant chemokine interleukin-8 and neutrophila activating protein (NAP), involved in H. pylori-induced gastric pathologies. Co-administration of Chios mastic gum (CMG), which inhibits H. pylori NAP, with an H. pylori eradication regimen might add clinical benefits against H. pylori-related gastric pathologies, but not CMG as main therapy. Although H. pylori NAP and other H. pylori -related cytotoxins [ie, vaculating cytotoxin (VacA)] appear to play a major role in generating and maintaining the H. pylori-associated gastric inflammatory response and H. pylori NAP is a promising vaccine candidate against H. pylori infection (H. pylori -I), concerns about its potential drawbacks, particularly neurogenic ones, due to possible cross-molecule, should be considered. Possible cross-mimicry between H. pylori NAP and / or bacterial aquaporin (AQP) and neural tissues may be associated with the anti-AQP-4 antibody-related neural damage in multiple sclerosis (MS) / neuromyelitis optica patients. More over, the sequence homology found between H. pylori VacA and human Na + / K + -ATPase A subunit suggests that antibodies to VacA involve ion channels in abaxonal Schwann cell plasmalemma resulting in demyelination in some patients. A series of factors have been implicated in inducing blood-brain barrier (BBB) ​​disruption, including inflammatory mediators (eg, cytokines and chemokines induced by H. pylori- I) and oxidative stress. BB Disruption permits access of AQP4-specific antibodies and T lymphocytes to the central nervous system, playing a major role in multiple sclerosis pathogenesis. RelaICATION studies show a strong association between H. pylori-I and MS. H .pylori-I induces humoral and cellular immune responses that, due to the sharing of homologous epitopes (molecular mimicry), cross-react with components of nerves, thereby contributing and perpetuatingneural tissue damage. Finaally, H. pylori NAP also plays a possible pathogenetic role in both gastric and colon oncogenesis.
龙岗区横岗镇位于深圳市东部,总面积83平 方公里,辖9个行政村,2个居委会,总人口 35万人,其中户籍人口只有 1.8万人。改革开放以来,特别是最近几年来,镇委、镇政府坚持“两 手抓,两手都
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目的:探讨金荞麦及其有效成分治疗肠易激综合征(Irritable Bowel Syndrome,IBS)的可能机制。方法:非相关文献知识工具ARROWSMITH软件。结果:金荞麦及其有效成分在分子或细胞