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对外开放以来,我国经济发展取得显著成效,但就业增长率长期滞后于经济增长率,经济增长的就业弹性水平一直很低。本文运用第一、第二、第三产业产值和就业数据,运用结构偏离度这一衡量指标分析产业结构升级对就业结构的影响;同时,利用线性回归方法分析我国产业结构升级对就业总量的影响,结果表明产业升级能够增加就业总量。通过以上分析,发现我国就业矛盾的原因主要在于产业结构与就业结构不相称,就业结构滞后于产业结构的发展,第三产业发展不足。最后本文为解决这种产业结构和就业结构的不协调提出了一些建议。 Since the opening up to the outside world, the economic development in our country has achieved remarkable results. However, the employment growth rate has lagged behind the economic growth rate for a long time, and the employment elasticity of economic growth has been very low. This article uses the output value of the first, the second and the third industry and the employment data to analyze the influence of the upgrading of the industrial structure on the employment structure by using the measure of structural deviation. At the same time, using the linear regression method to analyze the impact of the upgrading of the industrial structure on the total employment Impact, the results show that industrial upgrading can increase the total amount of employment. Through the above analysis, it is found that the main reason for the employment contradiction in our country is that the industrial structure is not commensurate with the employment structure, the employment structure lags behind the development of the industrial structure, and the tertiary industry is underdeveloped. Finally, this paper puts forward some suggestions to solve the uncoordinated industrial structure and employment structure.
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【中图分类号】G633.41 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2013)03-0119-01  以培养创新精神和实践能力为重点的素质教育是当今教育改革的主旋律,课堂教学则是培养学生创新精神及实践能力的主阵地。如何转变教育观念、培养出一代有扎实基础、有创新精神、有开拓能力的高素质人才是当今教师的首要任务,英语作为一门重要的工具学科,其教学目的是让学生具有扎实的英语基础知识和为交际初
【摘要】信息技术是一门集知识性、趣味性及技能性于一体的学科 ,从教学方法到教学模式还没有形成一套完整的教学体系,巧设情境在信息技术教学中是实现互动教学的一种重要方式。采用创设情境的方法,積极营造融洽、和谐的教学氛围,激发学生学习的高度兴趣,提高学习效率,取得良好的教学效果。  【关键词】信息技术 情境 情境教学法  【中图分类号】G633.67 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2
FIFA一年一部的传统一直被流传至今,而这也被不少玩家戏称为“年货”。PC版如何暂且不说,对于iOS版的《FIFA2015》,玩家们还是有不少期待的,如操作画面的提升、球员的配合、动作的灵活性等,接下来就一同看看EA是否与时俱进吧。  《FIFA 2015》在球员、球队、联赛方面一直均是实时更新,别说是大牌球星了,各种名不见经传的“小喽啰”也可以找到。在UI设计上相比前作又显得更加的扁平和整齐,包