襟带江淮沐蓼风(代序) 写在《古今诗人吟霍邱》问世之际

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(一)文化的基因从人类开始出现的旧石器时代,发展到新石器时代,带来了人类社会生活和历史文化的一次飞跃。一般认为,我国的新石器时代文化起始于约一万年前,安徽的新石器时代文化可追溯到距今约8000多年。就目前考古资料看,距今约8000—6500年,我省新石器时代第一个阶段和第二阶段文化遗址,就有霍邱扁担岗和霍邱红墩寺赫然在列。新石器时代先民的重要文化创造是制陶工艺,距今6000—5000年为安徽彩陶的繁荣时期,而霍邱红墩寺遗址既出土数量较多,彩陶纹样又极其丰富,给原始实用艺术与造型艺术的萌生和发展,奠定了坚实的基础。 (A) Cultural Genes From the Paleolithic era that began to emerge from mankind to the Neolithic period, it brought about a leap in human social life and history and culture. Generally believed that China’s Neolithic culture began about 10,000 years ago, Anhui Neolithic culture can be traced back to about 8,000 years ago. Archaeological data on the current look, dating back about 8000-6500 years ago, the province’s Neolithic period of the first phase and the second phase of cultural sites, there Huoqiu Bian Gang and Huoqiu Hongdun Temple impressively. Neolithic ancestors of the important cultural creation is pottery craft, dating back 6000-5000 years for the prosperity of Anhui pottery, and Huoqiu Hongdun Temple site unearthed more than the number of pottery are extremely rich pattern, to the original practical art With the initiation and development of plastic arts, laid a solid foundation.
我没有优秀的成绩和漂亮的脸蛋,更写不出一手漂亮的字,我有时会做白日梦,幻想一些别人看来是幼稚的东西,有时还会莫名奇妙地感到忧伤。 I don’t have good grades and beau
Elegance manifests a state of harmony and beauty.But unlike beauty which is bestowed by Heaven,elegance is something closely linked to arts,being nurtured and d
鸟笼好比是深山,那只小鸟好比是山里的娃,那只风筝好像是山里娃想要走出大山的梦想。  在我国有许许多多偏远的山村,被那如鸟笼般的大山围困着,而山里的娃就如那只小鸟,有飞翔的梦想却无法实现。山使孩子们与外面的世界隔绝、与现代文明隔绝,使孩子们变成了井底之蛙、笼中之鸟。  是的,我不否认有经过苦拼飞出大山的山里娃,但那只是少数,更多的山里娃只能像那只小鸟一样,被困在“笼子”里,眼巴巴地望着外面的世界。他
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最近看到新华社的一条消息,说是国家为了保护非物质遗产继承人,每年给那些为数不多的民间艺人划拨了9000元专项补贴。我以为,这是保护民间文化多样性的正确选择。 Recently,
清朝叶存仁,做官30年。他离任时,部下执意送行话别,使送行的船迟迟不发。叶存仁好生纳闷,等到明月高挂,来了一叶小舟,是部下临别的赠礼, Ye Cunren from the Qing Dynasty s
去银行取款,窗口前有一条黄色的等候线,保安人员会提醒你:在你排队的时候,不要跨过那条线,这是一种对他人隐私的尊重。 Go to the bank to withdraw money. There is a yell