《政府法制》编辑部: 我叫孙梅芳,现年48岁,在山西省朔州市朔城区体委工作。在此,我怀着悲愤的心情向贵刊反映我原丈夫,现任朔州市交警队政委杨伟欺骗离婚,抛妻别女,另结新欢和我们孤女寡母遭受人生悲惨命运的万般冤屈辛酸,以及杨伟置党纪国法于不顾,泯灭人性,无法无天的一些违纪、违法事实。
“Government Legal System” Editorial Department: My name is Sun Meifang, I am 48 years old and I work in Physical Education Commission of Shuozhou City, Shuozhou City, Shanxi Province. Here, I, with a grief and indignation, reflect my original husband to my magazine. Currently, Yang Wei, a political commissar of the Traffic Police Force in Shuozhou, cheats on divorce, throws his wife and daughter, and joins the newlyweds and our widowed mother and widowed mother, who suffer the tragic fates of life Bitterness, and Yang Wei home party discipline and law in disregard, devoid of human nature, lawlessness some discipline, illegal facts.