来源 :偏微分方程(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ohmysweet
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We discuss a sequence solutions uεfor the E-L equations of the penalized energy defined by Chen-Struwe. We show that the blow-up set of uε is a Hm-2 -rectifiable set and its weak limit satisfies a blow-up formula. Consequently, the weak limit will be a stationary harmonic map if and only if the blow-up set is stationary.
We consider a backward parabolic problem arising in the description of the behavior of the toroidal part of the magenetic field in a dynamo problem. In our back
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1“冷”“热”起伏,心中有“数”rn华东师范大学招办主任 周鸿rn专业本无所谓“冷”和“热”,但目前考生和家长的观念中仍存在“冷”“热”之分,究其原因有三:第一,目前国内
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In this paper, the author gives the uniform estimates for the solutions of the semilinear elliptic equation △u+λeu = 0 with zero Dirichlet boundary condition,
We give sufficient and necessary conditions for the existence and nonexistence of positive ground state solutions of a class of coupled nonlinear Schr(o)dinger
This paper is conceed with time decay problem of Ladyzhenskaya model goveed incompressible viscous fluid motion with the dissipative potential having p-growth (
In this paper we study an initial boundary value problem for a generalized complex Ginzburg-Landau equation with two spatial variables (2D). Applying the notion
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