
来源 :中学数学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fdsa5218
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本人多年从事中师数学教学,深感其教学之艰难。难在什么地方呢?一般说来,中师数学教材的内容并不难,要求也并不很高,习题的难道亦不太大,问题在于对民办教师来说,他们要用两年的学习时间,完成四年的学习任务,实非一件易事。因此,也造成教学的困难。中师教材还有一个特点,就是它涉及面广,真是“五花八门,面面俱到”这又要求我们在不增加学生负担的前提下,尽量扩大其知识面。基于这两个方面的情况,中师数学教学有其区别于普通中学教学的特点。下面,就如何教学教材中关于“求点的轨迹方程”的问题。谈点粗浅看法,以就教于同 I have been teaching middle school mathematics for many years and I am deeply puzzled by the difficulties in teaching. Where is it difficult? Generally speaking, the contents of the mathematics textbooks for middle school teachers are not difficult, the requirements are not very high, and the exercises are not too big. The problem is that for private teachers, they have to use two years of learning. The time to complete the four-year study task is not an easy task. Therefore, it also caused difficulties in teaching. One of the characteristics of the teaching materials of the Normal School is that it covers a wide range of areas and it is really “a variety of things and all aspects”. This requires us to expand our knowledge as much as possible without increasing the burden on students. Based on these two aspects, the teaching of mathematics in normal schools is different from the features of ordinary middle school teaching. Below, on the issue of how to teach teaching materials about the “question point trajectory equation”. Talk shallowly to teach at the same time
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