
来源 :预算管理与会计 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:adupt
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近年来,湖北省赤壁市贯彻落实中央、省、市有关精神,立足赤壁实际,细化预算编制,强化支出管理,严控“三公”消费,为有效地保障机关正常运转、维护地方社会稳定、优化地方经济环境作出了积极的贡献。一、主要做法(一)预算编制求“细”。根据财力状况和单位性质,实行分类测算和编制,突出抓好一个“细”字。一是细抓部门收支核查。对完全纳入部门预算的单位,对其前三年的收支情况、人员经费支出标准以及公用经费支出水平进行检查核实,根据单位性质,分三个不同标准和等级,即四大家为一等、 In recent years, Hubei Province, Chibi City to implement the relevant spirit of the central, provincial and municipal, based on the actual situation in Chibi, refine the budget preparation, strengthen expenditure management, strictly control the “three public” consumption, in order to effectively safeguard the normal operation of agencies and safeguarding local society Stable and optimize the local economic environment has made a positive contribution. First, the main approach (a) the budget to find “fine ”. According to the financial status and the nature of the unit, the classification and calculation shall be implemented and a “fine” character shall be given prominence. First, pay close attention to departmental checks. The units fully included in departmental budgets shall check and verify the income and expenditures, the standard of personnel expenditures and the level of public expenditures in the first three years. According to the nature of the units, they shall be divided into three different standards and grades, namely,
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