Evaluation of the Gel Profile Control Agent Polyacrylamide in Enhanced Oil

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  [a] Institute of Petroleum Engineering of Northeast Petroleum University, Daqing, Heilongjiang, China.
  * Corresponding author.
  Supported by National Science and Technology Major Project (2011ZX05009-004)
  Received 1 January 2013; accepted 14 March 2013Abstract
  Based on the system of anionic delayed cross-link polymer gel type deep profile control agent, experiments are conducted to evaluate the performance of long-term thermal stability, shearing resistance, and compatibility with natural debris of profile control agent and compatibility with ASP compound system. Besides, experiments are completed to simulate core displacement profile controlling and evaluate effect of oil displacement. Formula of anionic delayed cross-link polymer gel profile control agent with ideal long-term stability is confirmed. Profile control effect referred to core with diverse permeability and influence law of different injection time and injection rate on effect of oil displacement. Following conclusions are made according to the research. Long-term thermal stability, shearing resistance, and compatibility with natural debris of profile control agent and compatibility of ASP compound system of anionic delayed cross-link polymer gel profile control agent all have good performance, as well as core plugging effect and resistance to erosion. Displacing effect varies with the profile control agent injecting time, which shows, injection before polymer displacing proves the best, injection during polymer displacing the second, and injection after polymer displacing the worst. At the same time, the value of enhanced oil recovery increases with the injection rate of profile control agent increasing, however, when the rate comes to the point of 0.1 pv, the increasing extent begins to slow down.
  Key Words: Profile control agent; Anionic; Delayed cross-link
  Wei, J.G. (2013). Evaluation of the Gel Profile Control Agent Polyacrylamide in Enhanced Oil Recovery. Advances in Petroleum Exploration and Development, 5(1), -0. Available from: URL: http://www.cscanada.net/index.php/aped/article/view/j.aped.1925543820130501.1102
  DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3968/j.aped.1925543820130501.1102
  Since the polymer displacement technology was promoted in a large scale in 1996, Daqing Oilfield has been exploring the exploiting effect of improving polymer displacing and enhanced oil recovery that deep profile control achieves. There are already 450 well units have been profile controlled by the end of 2012, which most are compound ion profile control agent prepared with clear water. At present, many domestic scholars are studying profile control mechanism, performance, formula and other aspects of the anionic delayed cross-link polymer gel profile control agent system (Wei et al., 2000; Kan et al., 2001; Lei et al., 2001; Li et al., 2002; Lu et al., 2003; Zhao et al., 2003; Guo, 2005; Li et al., 2005; Lv, 2009; Zhang and Yao, 2010; Moradi-Araghi, 2000; Hutchins and Dovan, 1996). However, according to Daqing Oilfield requirements for developing of reducing sewerage discharge and saving clear water resources, most of the polymer injection stations have switched to polymer mother solution diluted by sewerage. Considering the oilfield’s developing trends and cost control requirements, it is necessary to make further research on various kinds of chemical sewerage formula.   Based on the previous research achievements, this paper systematically and deeply conducts experiments to evaluate the performance of long-term thermal stability, shearing resistance, and compatibility with natural debris of anionic delayed cross-link polymer gel type deep profile control agent system prepared with oilfield’s sewerage and compatibility of ASP compound system, as well as experiments to simulate indoor profile control in the way of core displacement and evaluate effect of oil displacement. This helps to lay theoretical foundation for making experiment schemes and taking it into action according to anionic delayed cross-link polymer gel type deep profile control agent system prepared with oilfield’s sewerage.
  1.1 Thermal Stability of Profile Control Agent
  Anionic delayed cross-link polymer gel profile control agent is one modified kind of compound ion profile control agent, which the main agent compound ion polymer is displaced with anionic polyacrylamide on the condition of cross-link system unchanged. Four different types of profile control agent have been prepared with oilfield’s sewerage and clear water, specific formula as is shown in Table 1. The two types of profile control agent A-2-1 and A-2-2 are prepared with the sewerage containing oil of the West Fault Block of North No.1 Zone, while A-2-3 and A-2-4 are prepared with clear water. After completing the sample preparation, they all will be put into a thermo tank to observe gelation of the samples and then used to perform gel viscosity and long-term thermal stability experiments. Initial viscosity and gelation viscosity are both detected by DV-II viscometer produced by the United States.
  Table 1 gives gelation time and situation of gelation viscosity of the four kinds of profile control agent, and Figure 1 shows their thermal stability curves. It can be seen from Table 1 and Figure 1, the increasing extent of formula viscosity of A-2-2 prepared with sewerage is not large, the value drops to below 300 mPa.s, which receives poor effect; the rest three types of formula gel between 3 to 7 days except this one type above, but initial formula viscosity of A-2-2 reaches as high as 268.4mPa.s, and the increasing extent is not large enough along with time going, which the highest value only rises to 8198 mPa.s, and then down to the point of 1900 mPa.s after 110 days, indicating that this type of formula is not applicable as well; comparing A-2-1 with A-2-3, though the concentration of polymer is low (1000 mg/L) and which is prepared with produced sewerage, its gelation viscosity value is higher and thermal stability performs better than A-2-3(gelation viscosity value drops to 600 mPa.s after 110 days), whose viscosity value remains 26000mPa.s after 110 days. Thus, we can conclude that formula of type A-2-1 achieves the best effect of the four types of formula. Type A-2-1 anionic delayed cross-link polymer gel profile control agent will be the object in the following performance evaluation experiments.   Table 1
  Different Formulas and Gelation Time of Anionic Delayed Cross-Link Polymer Gel Profile Control Agent
  Figure 1
  Thermal Stability of Different Types of Anionic Delayed Cross-Link Polymer Gel Profile Control Agent Formula
  1.2 Shearing Resistance of Profile Control Agent
  Shearing the system of anionic delayed cross-link polymer gel profile control agent prepared with formula of type A-2-1, the solution viscosity after shearing accounts for 20%~50% of the solution viscosity before shearing, and then performing thermal stability experiment according to the system of anionic delayed cross-link polymer gel profile control agent prepared with formula of type A-2-1 after shearing, results are shown in Figure 2. A-2-1 still can gel after mechanical shearing to the degree between 20%~50%, which gelation time is the same as the time before shearing, but gelation viscosity is lower, and with the degree of shearing increasing, gelation viscosity reduces, while overall changing trends basically correspond with each other.
  Figure 2
  Thermal Stability Curves After Shearing of Anionic Delayed Cross-Link Polymer Gel Profile Control Agent
  1.3 Compatibility with Natural Debris of Profile Control Agent
  After mixing 60 meshes natural debris (oil content for 17000 mg/L) with type A-2-1 anionic delayed cross-link polymer gel profile control agent in the ratio of 2:3, observing its compatibility with natural debris. As is shown in Figure 3, A-2-1 type profile control agent gets desired compatibility with natural debris with no floc generating, cementing with debris after gelling about 60 days, and it will no longer flow while inclining.
  Figure 3
  Gelation Situation After Anionic Delayed Cross-Link Polymer Gel Profile Control Agent Mixing with Natural Debris
  1.4 Compatibility with ASP System of Profile Control Agent
  In order to test the stability while type A-2-1 anionic delayed cross-link polymer gel profile control agent blending in ASP compound system, putting ASP compound system (mass fraction of surface acting agent and sodium hydrate is 0.3 % and 1.2 % respectively, part of hydrolyzed polyacrylamide concentration is 2000 mg/L, molecular weight is 25 million and degree of hydrolysis is 25%) that has been prepared into 50mL centrifugal tube with stopper to the height of 25mL or so together with gelatinized A-2-1 type profile control agent, then sealing and observing the situation of stability while A-2-1 type profile control agent blending in ASP compound system. Experimental results show that anionic delayed cross-link polymer gel profile control agent performs poor stability while blending in ASP system, gel breaking phenomenon occurs on the third day, gel has been broken completely on the 65th day. So we can conclude that anionic delayed cross-link polymer gel profile control agent does not apply to profile control before ASP displacement.   Figure 4
  (a) Gelatinized Profile Control Agent Blends with ASP System; (b) Changes After Blending on the Third Day; (c) Changes After Blending on the 65th Day
  2.1 Plugging Experiment of Profile Control Agent
  Conducting displacement experiments of plugging rate, residual resistance factor and resistance to erosion using core having various permeability respectively, the results are shown in Table 3. We can see through it that anionic delayed cross-link polymer gel profile control agent has satisfying plugging effect on low permeability core, plugging rate reaches as high as 98.54% with permeability being 0.1573 μm2, and residual resistance factor is also relatively high, plugging rate can also reach 97.77% as well as residual resistance factor reaches 45 after being eroded by large amounts of 10 PV water. It is concluded that anionic delayed cross-link polymer gel profile control agent has good performance in resistance to erosion and is applicable in low permeability reservoirs.
  2.2 Shunt Rate Experiment of Profile Control Agent
  Getting a couple of artificial core with different permeability to connect the process in parallel after pumping off the saturated water, displacing water subsequently, measuring displaced liquid every 10 minutes for at least 2PV. Displacing profile control agent valued 2PV after water displacing, then displacing water again at least 2PV after gelation. As is shown in Table 4, it can be seen that shunt rate of core changes dramatically after profile control, shunt rate in the high permeability tube drops to 24.94% after profile control from 57.43% before profile control, while shunt rate in the low permeability tube rises to 75.06% from 42.57%. It is concluded that profile control agent inside core takes effect on plugging high permeability zones for which the entry profile has been improved obviously.
  3.1 Introduction of the Experiment
  Cementing artificial core with quartz sand epoxy, choosing three sticks of core with water phase permeability valued 200 mD, 500 mD and 800 mD to arrange in positive rhythm, which the model specification is 30 cm×4.5 cm×4.5 cm; the experimental oil is mixture of simulated oil prepared with crude oil from the First Production of Daqing Oilfield and kerosene, the viscosity reaches about 10 mPa.s under the condition of 45 degrees; the experimental water gets from sewerage of the First Production Station 603 of Daqing Oilfield; the experimental polymer is anionic polyacrylamide produced by Daqing Refining & Chemical Company, its relative molecular mass is in the range of 1200 to 16 million; the experimental profile control agent is type A-2-1 anionic delayed cross-link polymer gel profile control agent prepared with oilfield’s sewerage. Specific experiment schemes are as follows:   3.1.1 Simulation Experiment of Displacing Oil Using Polymer
  After saturating with oil: A. water displacing to water content of 98%+ 0.69PV 1500mg/L fractal polymer+ subsequent water displacing to water content of 98%; B. water displacing to water content of 98%+ 0.74PV 1500mg/L fractal polymer+ subsequent water displacing to water content of 98%; C. water displacing to water content of 98%+ 0.84PV 1500mg/L fractal polymer+ subsequent water displacing to water content of 98%.
  3.1.2 Simulation Experiment of Profile Control Displacement Before Polymer Displacing
  After saturating with oil: A. water displacing to water content of 98%+ 0.05PV profile control agent+ 0.64PV 1500mg/L fractal polymer +subsequent water displacing to water content of 98%; B. water displacing to water content of 98%+ 0.10PV profile control agent+ 0.64PV 1500mg/L fractal polymer+ subsequent water displacing to water content of 98%; C. water displacing to water content of 98%+ 0.20PV profile control agent+ 0.64PV 1500mg/L fractal polymer+ subsequent water displacing to water content of 98%.
  3.1.3 Simulation Experiment of Profile Control Displacement During Polymer Displacing
  After saturating with oil: A. water displacing to water content of 98%+ 0.10PV 1500mg/L fractal polymer+ 0.10PV profile control agent+ 0.54PV 1500mg/L fractal polymer + subsequent water displacing to water content of 98%; B. water displacing to water content of 98%+ 0.20PV 1500mg/L fractal polymer + 0.10PV profile control agent+ 0.44PV 1500mg/L fractal polymer+ subsequent water displacing to water content of 98%; C. water displacing to water content of 98%+ 0.30PV 1500mg/L fractal polymer+ 0.10PV profile control agent+ 0.34PV 1500mg/L fractal polymer+ subsequent water displacing to water content of 98%.
  3.1.4 Simulation Experiment of Profile Control Displacement After Polymer Displacing
  After saturating with oil: A. water displacing to water content of 98%+ 0.64PV 1500mg/L fractal polymer+ 0.05PV profile control agent+ subsequent water displacing to water content of 98%; B. water displacing to water content of 98%+ 0.64PV 1500mg/L fractal polymer+ 0.10PV profile control agent+ subsequent water displacing to water content of 98%; C. water displacing to water content of 98%+ 0.64PV 1500mg/L fractal polymer+ 0.20PV profile control agent+ subsequent water displacing to water content of 98%.
  3.2 Analysis of Experiment Results
  Table 5 shows the relationship between different injection time or injection rate of type A-2-1 anionic delayed cross-link polymer gel profile control agent and enhanced oil recovery. It can be seen that effect of profile control becomes gradually worse along with the injection time of before, during and after polymer displacing, the average value of enhanced oil recovery is 2.91 %, 2.64 % and 2.03 % respectively; from the aspect of injection rate, the value of enhanced oil recovery becomes larger along with injection rate getting larger, but the increasing extent slows down after reaching the point of 0.1 PV. Considering cost will rise as increasing injection rate, it is recommended to adopt the way of profile control displacement before polymer displacing which 0.10 PV is the ideal injection rate.   Table 5
  (1) Long-term thermal stability and shearing resistance of anionic delayed cross-link polymer gel profile control agent both have good performance, gelation viscosity remains 26000mPa.s after 110 days under the condition of 45 degrees, and still can gel after mechanical shearing to the degree between 20%~50%, which gelation time is the same as the time after shearing, but gelation viscosity is lower, and with the degree of shearing increasing, gelation viscosity reduces, while overall changing trends basically correspond with each other.
  (2) Anionic delayed cross-link polymer gel profile control agent gets desired compatibility with natural debris with no floc generating, cementing with debris after gelling about 60 days, and it will no longer flow while inclining; but it performs poor stability while blending in ASP system, Gel breaking phenomenon occurs on the third day, gel has been broken completely on the 65th day. So we can conclude that anionic delayed cross-link polymer gel profile control agent does not apply to profile control before ASP displacement.
  (3) Anionic delayed cross-link polymer gel profile control agent has satisfying plugging effect on low permeability core, plugging rate reaches as high as 98.54% with permeability being 0.1573 , and residual resistance factor is also relatively high, plugging rate can also reach 97.77% as well as residual resistance factor reaches 45 after being eroded by large amounts of 10 PV water. It is concluded that anionic delayed cross-link polymer gel profile control agent has good performance in resistance to erosion and is applicable in low permeability reservoirs.
  (4) Effect of profile control becomes gradually worse along with the injection time of before, during and after polymer displacing, the average value of enhanced oil recovery is 2.91 %, 2.64 % and 2.03 % respectively; the value of enhanced oil recovery becomes larger along with injection rate getting larger, but the increasing extent slows down after reaching the point of 0.1 PV.
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说到世上最伟大的发明,罗佳佳觉得非电吹风莫属。洗完头发后,只需使用电吹风吹几分钟,一头湿漉漉的头发便能变得干爽、漂亮;天寒地冻之时,只需拿吹风机对着被窝吹上一会儿,便无需担心自己夜晚会冻得无法安眠了;而今又到了这令人讨厌的回南天时,电吹风便又成了烘干衣服的神器。  这周末,表姐章淼淼来到正读小学五年级的罗佳佳家里玩两天,臭美的罗佳佳为了能在第二天穿上今天换洗的漂亮的蕾丝花边袜子,便又将吹风机拿了出
清晨的第一米阳光格外温和,透过窗帘的缝隙洒到顾子矜长长的睫毛上。他睡眼惺忪地从床上爬起来,想着待会儿去爸妈开的店Sweet Time里转转。  刚拐过街角,他就看到自家店门前围满了人,人们交头接耳,看着热闹聊着天。不远处停着一辆警车,车顶的警灯闪着红光。  他费劲地穿过人群进了店,隐隐约约从人们断断续续的语句中得知自家的店发生了入室盗窃案,此刻又见两个穿着警服的人正在店里。  顾子矜走到一个警察身
无论自己的孩子是谁,妈妈们总能给出自己的意见。想想这些妈妈可能会说的话——蒙娜丽莎的妈妈:你爸和我花了那么多钱给你买牙套,这就是你给我们最大的微笑?  米开朗基罗的媽妈:为什么你不能像其他孩子那样在墙上画画呢?你知道把那个笨蛋从天花板上弄下来有多难吗?  林肯的妈妈:又戴着这顶帽子?你为什么不能像其他孩子那样戴棒球帽呢?  华盛顿的妈妈:下次再让我看到你往波托马克河上扔钱,你就别想要零用钱。  拿
坐在森林的小木屋里,伐木工吉米忍不住抱怨:“天气实在太糟糕了,我们明天还要早起去砍木头。要知道,在这种天气里,躺在被窝里是再舒服不过的事情了!”  “噢,伙计,你说得太对了。早上起床简直太痛苦了。”托尼耸了耸肩膀说。  “沒错,幸好我定了闹钟,不然一定会睡过头,老板又要扣我薪水了。”吉米喝了一口酒,又笑着补充了一句,“闹钟虽然讨人厌,但有时候还真的离不开,不然,用什么叫醒我们呢?”  “是吗?我可
每个班级都有几个好动又闹腾的同学,班级里有了他们,总是显得非常热闹,但有时也会有一些意想不到的烦恼。  在初一(6)班,班长蒋芸芸就被陈鹏、施容宇和马浩三个伤透了脑筋。班主任一再交待,让她协助管理班级纪律,可这号称“捣蛋三剑客”的男生就连课间十分钟都忍不住要追打一番,有时候动静还挺大,很容易伤及无辜。前几天,马浩在向施容宇扔纸团的时候,就把纸团重重地扔在了正在做数学题的苏珊身上。  这不,语文课刚
写作文的时候,你有哪些自以为没人知道的凑字数的招数?其实字数不用凑,语句写得文艺一点儿就好啦!不过,文艺也要适度哟!  普通说法:喝水呛到  文艺一点儿的说法:冰水在喉头激起涟漪。  文艺到闹心的说法:冰水偏偏在喉头萦绕,激起一阵寒咳的涟漪。  文艺到无比闹心的说法:然而冰水偏偏在我那发不出一点声响的喉头缠绵萦绕,激起一阵无从压抑的寒咳涟漪。  普通说法:发呆  文艺一点儿的说法:让脑袋享受片刻的
语文老师说,在中小学校,有一种语文老师独特的“福利”是其他科目的老师得不到的,就是批改学生作文。语文老师能遇到很多脑洞大开的句子,叫人忍俊不禁,批语也忍不住调皮起来。工作累了,语文老师就改改作文,一种幸福感油然而生。  1.学生:我家房顶上长了一棵树,每天在风中起舞,那天我上房顶一看,原来是一棵蒲公英。  老师:如果不是转基因,蒲公英不会长那么高,尤其是在房顶。回家再好好看看,仔细观察你会有新的收
人类生存于大自然中,贵为高级动物,比其他小动物(大熊猫除外)不知道幸福多少倍,所以呀,我们经常在网络上看到各种各样的“拟人化”。所谓拟人化,就是把事物人格化,将本来不具备人的动作和感情的事物变成和人一样具有动作和感情,比如之前网络上流传过的动物拟人化、国家宝藏的拟人化、植物拟人化等等。今天我们反过来讨论一下拟动物化,做一做下面的小测验,看看你会是哪种小动物吧。  1.在一片广袤的森林里,你是人人敬
少年档案  姓名:田悦迪  星座:水瓶座  就读学校:广东省珠海市前山小学  最喜欢的事:听音乐  最自豪的事:在学校成功举办个人小提琴独奏音乐会  最期待的事:将来在更大的舞台举办个人音乐会  曾获得的荣誉:荣获“金色北京艺术节”十周年少年小提琴、中提琴全国邀请展演独奏展演10岁组金星奖;广东省第15届、第16届少儿小提琴演奏比赛金奖;第15届“星星火炬”全国青少年艺术英才推进活动西洋乐器专业比
我和孩子们在北京“无目的”旅行,前两天就遇到三次骗子。  第一次是在北京站,那时我们刚下火车,准备去乘地铁。面对地铁站排队购票的长长的队伍,炎炎烈日下的我们面带难色。一位老太太凑了过来,说她手里有价值4元的地铁单程票,5元钱卖给我们,用1元钱免去排队之苦。火车站是容易上当受骗的地方,不过我在心里估算了一下:地铁票如果是假的,我们进不了站,可以马上回来找她麻烦,所以不太可能是假票;但地铁票面值可能不