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交通部和中国公路运输工会全国委员会于2月22日至3月1日在上海联合召开全国汽车运输技术革新与技术革命先进经验交流会议。这次会议的召开,是为了贯彻党中央提出的开展以机械化、半机械化为中心的技术革新和技术革命运动的号召,把“安全、节约、车吨月产万吨公里”运动推向新的高峰。会上,总结了1959年汽车运输战线上取得的辉煌成就,分析了当前的运输形势,并着重指出:凡已实现安全、节约、车吨月产万吨公里的省,应继续巩固提高,向更高的目标跃进;尚未实现的应积极创造条件,迎头赶上,急起猛追。争取今年“七一”以前全国有20个省、市、区达到这个指标,年底全部实现;力争在1959年全年平均车吨月产量的基础上翻一番,以适应工农业生产继续大跃进对汽车运输日益增长的需要。会议认为,汽车运输系统大搞半机械化、机械化,并根据生产需要和可能,逐步向半自动化和自动化发展,是汽车运输生产在国民经济继续大跃进中的必然趋势。会议要求汽车运输、制造、科学研究部门结合起来,针对生产关键,向高、精、尖进军。出席这次会议的有各省、市、区的代表。中共上海市委交通工作部李广副部长、公路总局齐镇青副局长;中国公路运输工会安力夫主席都在会上讲了话。 The Ministry of Communications and the National Committee of China’s Road Transport Workers’ Union convened a national exchange of advanced experience in technological innovation and technological revolution in motor transport jointly held in Shanghai from February 22 to March 1. The meeting was held to implement the call of the Party Central Committee for carrying out technological revolution and technological revolution centered on mechanization and semi-mechanization and to push the campaign of “safety, conservation, . At the meeting, the brilliant achievements made in the automobile transportation front in 1959 were summarized, the current transportation situation was analyzed, and it was emphatically pointed out: All provinces that have achieved safety, economy and production of 10,000 tons per month should continue to consolidate and improve, High goal of leaping forward; not yet achieved should actively create conditions to catch up, spit on the chase. To strive for this goal to be achieved in 20 provinces, cities and districts throughout the country before the ”1 July" this year, and to achieve it by the end of the year; strive to double the average monthly tonnage per tonne in 1959 to meet the great leap forward in industrial and agricultural production The growing need for motor transport. The meeting held that the semi-mechanization and mechanization of the automobile transportation system should be vigorously pursued and the semi-automation and automation development will gradually be made according to the production needs and possibilities. This is an inevitable trend of the automobile transportation production in the continuous great leap forward of the national economy. The meeting called for the automobile transportation, manufacturing and scientific research departments to combine their efforts to push forward their production to high, fine and advanced industries. Attending this meeting are representatives of provinces, cities and districts. Vice Minister Li Guang of the CPC Shanghai Municipality Traffic and Transportation Department, Qi Zhenqing, deputy director of the General Administration of Highway Administration, and Chairman An Lifu of China’s road transport union all addressed the meeting.
在前不久召开的十一届全国人大三次会议上,浙江代表团的范谊代表成了众媒体追逐的焦点人物。  这位有“两会十大言者”之称的全国人大代表, 2010年将“炮口”对准了退休金制度,他提出:“企事业、公务员退休金差距越来越大,群众心里落差也越来越大。这个差距,必须缩小。”  范谊虽是全国人大代表,但他也是宁波市政协副主席。换句话说,他本人正是退休金三轨制的既得利益者,但他依然坚持提出该建议,“我是人大代表啊
历年来,在我们公路工程中,开凿石方大部份是依靠人力锤击的,只有一小部份是用压缩空气为动力的凿岩机。最近沈阳风动工具厂仿制成功一种 YN 型内燃凿岩机(如下图),并经室内
早前横断面研究证实踝臂指数(ABI)与颈动脉内膜中层厚度(IMT)存在显著相关。在一项纵向研究中,对1992—1994年间接受ABI测量的637例参与者于平均4.8年后检测其IMT。 Earlier