支出法不变价格 国内生产总值的核算

来源 :中国统计 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:HONEYMXR
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支出法不变价格国内生产总值的核算□董礼华张希云今年第6期《中国统计》刊登了许宪春、顾建红撰写的“怎样计算不变价增加值”一文,详细介绍了当前我国各产业部门不变价增加值的计算方法,即生产法不变价国内生产总值的核算方法。本文则从各支出项目的不变价数据核算出... Expenditure Law Invariably Price Accounting for Gross Domestic Product □ Dong Lihua Zhang Xiyun This year’s issue 6 of the “China Statistics” published Xu Xianchun and Gu Jianhong’s article entitled “How to Calculate Constant Value Added Value”, which details the current price invariant increase in various industrial sectors in China The method of calculating the value, that is, the method of accounting for the constant value GDP of the production method. This article is from the constant price data for each item of expenditure ...
一“加油!加油!”响亮的加油声在我的耳鼓里跳跃,五班的丁亮早已冲到了我的前面,七班的韩靖也在上一个弯道喘着粗气从我身边跑过,我已经落到 A“ Come on! Come on! Come on
运用系统论的观点和系统分析的方法, 明确提出了省(市、区)社会经济综合实力的内涵,并给出了一套以定量为主、定性分析与定量判断相结合的测评指标体系和测评方法。经初步试
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Severe snowstorms over broad swaths of eastern and central China have wreaked havoc on traffic throughout the country, creating gigantic passenger backups, spaw
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