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由于受到 DDR的压力,SDRAM内存继续低开低走, HY 128M从 380元一路掉到 320元,前些日子更是跌破300元大 关,令不少商家大掉眼泪,看来DDR的日子确实不会太远。CPU市场暂时风平浪静,近期内应该不会有太大的变化,除非“有朝一日”P4降价贱卖。由于供货迟缓问题,硬盘在前几天也小涨一下了,算是过了把“瘾”、DDR主权开始登场,但由于匹配的DDR内存在大陆市场的“姗姗来迟”可能要挨些苦日子,目前市面上已有大众的AD11(AMD 761+686B芯片组,售价只为1150元),Iwill的K4266-R(ALI芯片组,售价为3500元附送128M DDR内存)以及华硕的A7M266(AMI)761+686B芯片组,售价不详)等。显示器方面则是风起云涌,硝烟四起,在这一场刚刚开始的“大屏幕纯平大战”中,又不知鹿死谁手。 这段时期由于价格波动不继,算不上是最好的装机时候,但趁着内存、显卡、主板、硬盘都有降价的势头,也有机会可以省上一笔。下面推荐几组粉机方案,供大家参考。 Due to the pressure of DDR, SDRAM memory continues to open lower, HY 128M all the way down from 380 yuan to 320 yuan, a few days ago is below 300 yuan mark, so many businesses shed tears, it seems DDR’s day Really not too far CPU temporarily calm market in the near future should not have much change, unless “one day” P4 cut prices. Due to the slow delivery problem, the hard disk rose a little in the past few days, is over the “addiction”, DDR sovereignty debut, but due to match the DDR memory in the mainland market “belated” may be to suffer On the market, Volkswagen’s AD11 (AMD 761 + 686B chipset, priced at just $ 1150), Iwill’s K4266-R (ALI chipset, priced at $ 3500 with 128M DDR memory), and the Asus A7M266 AMI) 761 + 686B chipset, the price is unknown) and so on. Monitor is surging, smoke everywhere, in this one has just begun “big screen flat battle,” and I do not know where the winner. During this period due to price fluctuations, is not the best time to install, but taking advantage of the memory, graphics cards, motherboards, hard drives have the momentum of price cuts, but also have the opportunity to save a sum. The following several groups recommend powder machine program for your reference.
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