Cardiovascular drugs in the treatment of infantile hemangioma

来源 :World Journal of Cardiology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jhyyxz
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Since the introduction of propranolol in the treatment of complicated infantile hemangiomas(IH) in 2008, other different beta-blockers, including timolol, acetabutolol, nadolol and atenolol, have been successfully used for the same purpose. Various hypotheses including vasoconstriction, inhibition of angiogenesis and the induction of apoptosis in proliferating endothelial cells have been advanced as the potential beta-blockerinduced effect on the accelerated IH involution, although the exact mechanism of action of beta-blockers remains unknown. This has generated an extraordinary interest in IH research and has led to the discovery of the role of the renin-angiotensin system(RAS) in the biology of IH, providing a plausible explanation for the beta-blocker induced effect on IH involution and the development of new potential indications for RAS drugs such as angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and angiotensin-receptor blockers in the treatment of IH. This review is focused on the current use of cardiovascular drugs in the treatment of IH. Since the introduction of propranolol in the treatment of complicated infantile hemangiomas (IH) in 2008, other different beta-blockers, including timolol, acetabutolol, nadolol and atenolol, have been successfully used for the same purpose. Various hypotheses including vasoconstriction, inhibition of angiogenesis and the induction of apoptosis in proliferating endothelial cells have been advanced as the potential beta-blockerinduced effect on the accelerated IH involution, although the exact mechanism of action of beta-blockers remains unknown. This has generated an extraordinary interest in IH research and has led to the discovery of the role of the renin-angiotensin system (RAS) in the biology of IH, providing a plausible explanation for the beta-blocker induced effect on IH involution and the development of new potential indications for RAS drugs such as angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and angiotensin-receptor blockers in the treatment of IH. This review is focused on the cu rrent use of cardiovascular drugs in the treatment of IH.
一、创设情境激发学生分析数据的兴趣  当学生看到大量的数据时,或多或少都会有抵触心理,他们在第一时间会认为这个内容学习起来一定比较难,不利于培养学生数据分析的能力。教师教学时可以为学生创设情境,可以激发学生分析数据的兴趣。例如在进行平均数的教学时,教师可以创设以下情景,激发学生对数据分析的兴趣。“学校要选择一名学生去外校参加交流活动,现在有四名学生是候选人,他们进行了比赛,现在负责选择的人犯难了,
物理教育是我国培养科学素养人才的基本切入点,但是物理知识的抽象性与逻辑性让许多高中生开始逃避物理学习,在“六选三”新高考制度下放弃了物理学习。归根究底,造成这一现象的原因是高中物理教学的低效性导致学生无法产生良好的学习效能感,反而备受挫折与打击。为了让高中生正视、主动参与物理学习,高中物理教师要积极展开有效的教学改革,响应新课改所提出的“提效减负”的改革号召。  有效教学是指超出平均课堂教学效率的
自身免疫性甲状腺疾病(AITD)是临床常见病,由一组由于免疫系统自身攻击引起的疾病组成,它包括桥本甲状腺炎(Hashimoto disease,HT)、Graves病(Graves disease,GD)和特发性甲状腺功
2016年9月,《中国学生发展核心素养》正式发布,文件中第一次明确指出我国教育领域内“核心素养”的具体内涵以及发展目标。所谓的核心素养就是学生应具备的, 能够适应终生发展和社会发展的必备品格和关键能力。而在今后中国的教育事业发展进程中,关注学生核心素养的培育将会逐渐转化为教育目标当中的核心环节。而在不同学科的教学实践过程中,发展学生的核心素养也就是提升学生的学科素质。因此,《普通高中生物学课程标准
近年来,我国大学生职业生涯规划课程受到越来越多的重视。大部分高校将大学生职业生涯规划课程设置为大学生必修课程。在高中阶段对学生进行职业生涯规划,有助于学生选择适合自己的大学专业,有助于提高学生学习的热情及树立远大理想。从长远来看,有助于素质教育的实施,有助于提高国家未来人才质量,有助于提高学生的职业素质。所以,在高中实施职业生涯规划教育有其必要性和合理性。  一、目前高中职业生涯教育存在的问题  
随着素质教育的展开,学生的课堂主体地位得到越来越多人的认可与肯定。作为新时代的初中语文教育工作者,我们务必在深刻认识现代文阅读能力提升对初中生未来有着重要影响的基础上采用新的教育理念和教学方式,最大限度地提升初中生的阅读热情,使之能够全身心地投入阅读之中。经过多年的语文教学经验积累,我仅从以下几点谈谈自身的理解与认识。  一、在巧妙导入中明确阅读目标  明确的阅读目标既是高效阅读开展的有效保障,也