Writers or Celebrities?

来源 :Beijing Review | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhangxueyh
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Benefiting from the commercialization of the publishing industry, some writers in China have gained both fame and wealth A list of the wealthiest writers in China was released by a Beijing-based media outlet last December, making this group a hot topic again. Famous writer-scholar Yu Qiuyu, who currently hosts a cultural program called Travel of the Millennium on Hong Kong-based Phoenix TV, tops all others with an estimated annual income of 14 million yuan. Benefiting from the commercialization of the publishing industry, some writers in China have gained both fame and wealth A list of the wealthiest writers in China was released by a Beijing-based media outlet last December, making this group a hot topic again. Famous writer- scholar Yu Qiuyu, who currently hosts a cultural program called Travel of the Millennium on Hong Kong-based Phoenix TV, tops all others with an estimated annual income of 14 million yuan.
当前,部分国有、集体企业兼并、破产,社会保险实际参保人数减少,退休人员增加,社保基金收支矛盾日益突出。面对这种形势,如何使养老保险的保障功能更充分地发挥呢? 一、养老