靠大庆精神创业 加快新矿山建设

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英明领袖华主席在党的十一大政治报告中号召我们,要“大力加快基础工业的发展”,华主席的指示对冶金矿山建设提出了更高的要求,使我们更深刻地认识到,要把国民经济搞上去,矿山一定要大上、快上。吉山新矿,从1971年开始准备,1972年5月动工,只用了9个多月的时间,就完成了总面积13000多米~2的主厂房、360多米桥式皮带通廊的建造任务,完成了年处理量一百万吨的一、二两个选矿系列的设备安装工程。两年多的时间内,剥离了750万吨岩石,建成了200万吨采矿生产能力的露天采场。1976年7月年处理量100万吨的三、四两个选矿系列又胜利运转,整个建设速度与同类型矿山相比提前了三年。实践表明,吉山矿的建设速度是快的,工程质量是好的,选矿流程也是基本合理的。这是贯彻执行毛主席关于“发展钢铁工业,一定要大搞群众运动”指示的结果,也是和林彪、“四人帮”的干扰、破坏作斗争的成果。 The wise leader, Chairman Hua, called on us in the party’s 11 political reports to “vigorously speed up the development of basic industries.” President Hua’s instructions set higher requirements for the construction of metallurgical mines and make us realize more deeply that Put the national economy up, the mine must be big, fast. Jishan new mine, prepared from 1971, started in May 1972, only took more than 9 months to complete a total area of ​​more than 13,000 meters 2 main plant, 360-meter bridge belt corridor construction tasks, Completed the annual handling capacity of one million tons of one or two beneficiation series of equipment installation. In more than two years, 7.5 million tons of rock have been stripped off and 2 million tons of open pit for mining production have been built. July 1976 annual handling capacity of 1 million tons of three or four beneficiation series and victory operation, the entire construction speed compared with the same type of mine in advance of three years. Practice shows that the construction speed of Jishan Mine is fast, the project quality is good, and the beneficiation process is also basically reasonable. This is the result of the implementation of Chairman Mao’s directive on “developing the steel industry that the mass movement must be vigorously engaged in mass campaigns” and the fight against the interference and sabotage with Lin Biao and the “gang of four.”
Anti-slide pile and anchoring hole are two types of reinforcement techniquespopularly used in slope reinforcement. However, some defects of these two technique
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