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一、爲了正確地實施一九五○年六月三十日中央人民政府公佈的中華人民共和國土地改革法,特公佈本决定。二、中央人民政府政務院認爲一九三三年瑞金民主中央政府爲著正確地解决土地問題而公佈的兩個文件,即‘怎樣分析農村階級’和‘關於土地改革中一些問題的决定’,除開一小部分现時已不適用外,其餘全部在現時的土地改革中是基本上適用的。這兩個文件在一九四八年五月二十五日會經中共中央重新公佈,並在土地改革工作中加以應用,已證明其在現時的土地改革中是適用的。因此,中央人民政府政務院特將這兩個文件稍(?)刪改並加以補充後,再行公佈,作爲今後正確解决土地問題的文件。在這兩個文件中,凡係本院所補充决定者,均加上‘政務院補充决定’字樣,並於這兩個文件外,增補‘政務院的若干新决定’。三、由本决定所公佈之文件,其文字解釋如有與土地改革法相抵觸者,均按土地改革法執行。四、各省人民政府得根據各地方的實際情况和本决定公佈之文件所規定的原則,頒佈劃分階級的補充文件。但這些文件應呈報本院備案。 1. This decision was promulgated in order to properly implement the Land Reform Law of the People’s Republic of China promulgated by the Central People’s Government on June 30, 1950. 2. According to the two documents promulgated by the Central Government Department of the Central People’s Government in 1933 for the correct solution of the land issue by the Central Government of Ruijin, namely: “How to Analyze the Rural Class” and “Some Decisions on Some Problems in Land Reform” Apart from the fact that a small part is not applicable at present, all of the rest is basically applicable in the current land reform. The two documents, which were re-announced by the CPC Central Committee on May 25, 1948 and applied to the land reform work, have proved to be applicable in the current land reform. Therefore, the Central People’s Government Administrative Office specially revised and amended these two documents (?) And published them later, as the document for correctly solving the land issue in the future. In both documents, the words “Supplementary Decision of the State Council Supplement” are added to all the decisions added by the Institute. In addition to these two documents, a number of new decisions of the State Council are added. III. The documents published in this decision shall be interpreted according to the Land Reform Law if they are inconsistent with the Land Reform Law. 4. The people’s governments of different provinces shall, according to the principle of the actual conditions in each place and the documents promulgated in this decision, issue the supplementary documents for the classification of classes. However, these documents should be submitted to this court for record.
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患者 35岁.2004年10月10日在外院经剖宫产分娩一女婴,产后1周出现39.8℃高热、切口感染,因产后高热伴轻度昏迷,于2004年10月17日入院.身体检查:患者轻度昏迷,体温39.9℃,心率115次,呼吸25次。
森林之鹰苗条如少女一样的青松, 挺立在祁连峻峭的雪峰, 风送来伐木者斧锯的铿锵, 还夹带少妇催眠的歌声。伐木工家中勤劳的母亲, 用乳汁哺育着森林雏鹰; 美丽、神奇的祁连
长白湖——小天池颂没有涟漪, 没有涛声, 碧蓝平静的湖面上, 映着山峰林海的倒影。假如是游人来到湖边, 长白湖就无限多情, 俊俏、清彻、透明, 她象北方少女的眼睛。夏季穿