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2009年对世界来说,是金融危机严重挑战之年,是甲型流感迅速蔓延之年,海面上掀起阵阵巨浪。2009年对中国来说,是克服困难、迅速调整、砥砺奋进之年,面对迎面袭来的命运风暴我们选择以勇气与智慧应对。年末岁首,精彩盘点。在过去的一年里,上海世博园区、武广客运专线等重点工程建设顺利推进,航天、信息等领域重大科研项目成果丰硕,大客机制造、汽车生产等重要产业发展日新月异……我们不断创造着最快、最高、最强的新纪录,更满怀信心地向着那更快、更高、更强的目标稳步前行。 To the world in 2009, it was a serious year of the financial crisis and a rapidly spreading year of the Influenza A virus. There was a wave of waves on the sea. In 2009, for China, it is to overcome difficulties, rapidly adjust and strive to forge ahead. In the face of the fate of head-on attacks, we have chosen to respond with courage and wisdom. The end of the year, wonderful inventory. In the past year, key construction projects such as the Shanghai World Expo Park and the Wuhan-Guangzhou Passenger Dedicated Line went smoothly. Significant achievements have been made in major scientific research projects in such fields as aerospace and information, and the development of major industries such as large passenger aircraft manufacturing and automobile production has been advancing rapidly. We continue to create The fastest, the tallest and the strongest the new record, moving more confidently toward the goal of faster, higher and stronger.
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The calcifying odontogenic cyst was first reported by Gorlin et al. in 1962. At that time, it was classified as a cyst related to the odontogenic apparatus, alt