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人事档案是人力资源的主要信息载体,在人力资源流动性增加和社会对人事档案高度重视的背景下,应该以更为科学而积极的态度去看待人事档案管理工作。新时期,要实现对人事档案管理问题的全面分析,要找出人事档案管理实际问题的成因和表现,以新技术和新观念的应用探讨出人事档案管理工作的新方式和新方法,进而达到人事档案管理的工作创新,形成对人事档案管理工作的大力支持。人事档案管理是重要的档案工作内容,对于个人和单位来讲具有着重要的价值,是实现人事信息管理和人力资源挖掘的重要工作。本研究从人事档案管理的实际出发,对于人事档案管理的价值进行了研讨,分析了当前存在于人事档案管理中受重视程度不足、工作方法落后、工作内容单一等问题进行了深入思考,并在此基础上提供了更新观念、加强领导、完善功能、促进管理现代化等措施,希望为实现人事档案管理的价值和功能的发挥打下基础。 Personnel files are the main information carrier of human resources. With the increase of human resource mobility and the high degree of social attention to personnel files, personnel files should be treated more scientifically and actively. In the new period, to realize a comprehensive analysis of personnel files management, we should find out the causes and manifestations of the actual problems of personnel files management, explore new ways and new methods of personnel files management with the application of new technologies and new concepts, and then achieve Personnel file management work innovation, the formation of personnel records management support. Personnel file management is an important part of file work, which is of great value to both individuals and organizations and is an important task in realizing personnel information management and human resources mining. Based on the actual situation of personnel file management, this study discusses the value of personnel file management, analyzes the current problems in personnel file management, such as the lack of attention, the backward working methods and the single work content, Based on this, measures such as updating concepts, strengthening leadership, improving functions and promoting modernization of management are provided, hoping to lay the foundation for realizing the value and function of personnel records management.
在纽斯卡尔,新南威尔士附近的斯太芬斯港(Port Stephens),海水渔业养殖研究所已经发展了一种深水牡蛎增殖法,用这种方法每公倾生产的牡蛎比现在用的插着法增产了近45—90倍
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