
来源 :中国刑事警察 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yzhyzhyzh
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1995年7月8日晚,宜城市璞河镇王洲村六组王道志家中被盗现金3万元。钱是压在室内缸中一编织袋木炭下的。室内地面干枯不平,物品粗糙,没有留下有价值的犯罪痕迹物证。于是决定重点在犯罪分子作案时的出入口及来去路线寻找犯罪痕迹。王家大门案发前后均从内侧插着,无挑拨痕迹。南边的围墙上有泥巴擦痕,墙外巷道有一去一来两趟新鲜的解放鞋印。为了证实鞋印是否为案犯所留,我们又在院内寻找,在院内西侧平顶房的南部楼梯空内发现了类似的重叠凌乱的新鲜解放鞋印。经综合分析,巷道内的解放鞋印系犯罪所留并提取。勘查过程中,我们对现场进行了认真分析发现:□现场始终只有一种鞋印,可能系一人作案。□根据鞋印长度及步幅步态特征综合分析,犯罪分子身高为1.65-1.70米之间,30岁左右,体态较瘦。 On the evening of July 8, 1995, 30,000 yuan of stolen cash was stolen from Wang Daoshi’s home in six groups of Wangzhou Village, Puhe Town, Yicheng City. Money is pressed under a woven bag of charcoal in the interior of the cylinder. Indoor ground is rugged, articles are rough, there is no evidence of valuable traces of crime. So decided to focus on criminals at the time of committing the crime and whereabouts to find traces of crime. Wang door before and after the incident were inserted from the inside, no sowing traces. There are mud scratches on the southern wall, the roadway outside the walls have two trips to the fresh liberation shoes and India. In order to verify whether the shoe print was in the possession of a perpetrator, we searched again in the courtyard and found similar fresh and shoddy Shoe prints that overlapped in the southern stairway of the penthouse on the west side of the hospital. After a comprehensive analysis, the liberation of shoes within the roadway crime retained and extracted. During the survey, we conducted a careful analysis of the site and found that: □ There is always only one type of shoe print on the site, which may involve one person committing the crime. □ According to shoe length and gait characteristics of a comprehensive analysis of gait, criminals height of 1.65-1.70 meters, 30 years old, the body is relatively thin.
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摘 要:现代教育理念是做好少数民族地区中小学德育工作的必要条件。少数民族地区的中小学只有确立和强化反映时代特征的全民教育理念、主体教育理念、因材施教理念、创新教育理念等现代教育理念,才能真正提高其德育实效。  关键词:少数民族地区 中小学 德育工作 教育理念    教育理念的正确与错误,先进与落后,陈旧与新颖,直接影响着教育方针的贯彻,教育内容的选择,教育途径与方法的舍取,教育效果的好坏。[1]由
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