Gu Xiulian: Minister of Chemical Industry Retains Normal Homelife

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ON March 14, the evening of the Lantern Festival, I arrived at Gu Xiulian’s home punctually at 7 p.m., the chosen time for my interview. As I rang the doorbell, I felt a little nervous. The thought of interviewing this high ranking government official, who regularly appeared on television and whose speeches on chemical production could be read in the newspapers, was daunting. To my great surprise, as I entered the apartment, I smelled appetizing food and saw Gu in an apron, preparing the ON March 14, the evening of the Lantern Festival, I arrived at Gu Xiulian’s home punctually at 7 pm, the chosen time for my interview. As I rang the doorbell, I felt a little nervous. The thought of interviewing this high ranking government official , whoaring Previously on television and who speeches on chemical production could be read in the newspapers, was daunting. To my great surprise, as I entered the apartment, I smelled appetizing food and saw Gu in an apron, preparing the
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