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上个世纪70年代,我同市里的一支文艺小分队到从化县北部山区吕田公社的老区连麻大队慰问。公社领导前来看望我们时,神秘地从衣袋里拿出了一个信封,从中倒出一些茶叶泡上,之后,他又把信封小心叠好收回衣袋里。他说,你们够累的了,尝一尝我们的山茶解解乏吧。他还说,这茶有点不一般,味道不错,它的名字叫“白姑娘”。我虽然天天喝茶,但属于“喝水”层次,解渴就行,从不问什么“红茶”、“绿茶”以及“白姑娘”、“黑姑娘”等品牌。我端起茶杯一饮而尽。啊!茶味确实与众不同,鼻闻幽香,口感淳厚,马上就觉得生津止渴。这位领导闲聊说,这种茶是从一棵深山老茶树上采撷的,产量极少,听说只有一位老农知道在哪儿。这棵老茶树藏在哪里,老农是谁,这位领导没有说,我也没有深问,但是“白姑娘”这个动听的名字,始终在我心中萦绕着。 In the 1970s, I consulted with a literary team from the city to the old district of Lutian commune in the northern mountainous area of ​​Conghua County. When the leaders of the commune came to see us, they mysteriously took an envelope out of their pocket and poured some tea leaves into it. After that, he folded the envelope carefully to retrieve it. He said you are tired enough to taste our camellia. He also said that this tea is a bit unusual and has a good taste. Its name is “White Girl.” Although I drink tea every day, but belong to “drink water ” level, thirst quencher on the line, never ask what “black tea ”, “green tea ” and “white girl ”, “black girl ” and other brands . I drank the cup and drank it. Ah! Tea flavor is indeed different, nose smells fragrance, honest taste, immediately felt thirst quenching. The leader chatted that the tea was picked from an old mountain tea tree with very little output and I heard only one farmer knew where it was. Where is the old tea tree hidden, who the old peasant, the leadership did not say, I did not ask, but the beautiful name of “White Girl” always haunt me.
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对吡啶类化合物的合成技术和市场情况作了比较详细的介绍,并对以后的市场发展作了分析。 The synthesis of pyridine compounds and market conditions made a more detaile
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