Impacts of household living consumption on energy use and carbon emissions in China based on the inp

来源 :气候变化研究进展(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yzlwxl3554041
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China must urgently accelerate its decrease of energy use,optimize its energy structure,reduce CO2 emissions,and promote the early realization of an ecological civilization.Simultaneously,meeting the growing consumer demand is one of the reasons for the increase in energy use.This study investigates the impacts of household consumption on energy use and CO2 emissions from the perspective of the lifestyle of Chinese residents.On the basis of the input-output model of 30 provinces,we analyze the current situation of energy use and CO2 emissions in different regions (spatial scale) with economic development and income improvement (time scale),investigate the pulling effect of household consumption in different provinces on industrial sectors,examine the influencing factors of indirect CO2 emissions from food,clothing,housing,and transportation in key regions,and explore the policy implications of the transition to a low-carbon lifestyle in different provinces.Results show that the fuel structure of Chinese residents should be optimized further.Total household energy consumption and total CO2 emissions considerably increased.In 2012,total household energy consumption accounted for nearly 30% of total energy consumption,while indirect CO2 emissions accounted for 66.3% of total household emissions.With regard to the structures of indirect household energy consumption,the housing sector accounted for the largest proportion,reaching 23.4% in indirect energy consumption in 2012.The pulling effect of the housing sector on industrial sectors was also evident.The decomposition analysis showed that the rapid increase in indirect household CO2 emissions was primarily due to the increase in per capita living expenditure.The consumption structures in different provinces produced various impacts,and the energy intensity effect was identified as an important factor for reducing indirect household CO2 emissions.
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