“Nanning Channel” Enhancing Speed and Quality by “Guangxi Projects”

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  With the Nanning-hosted China-ASEAN Expo and China-ASEAN Business and Investment Summit as a platform and bridge, “Nanning Channel” leads to many consensuses between China and the ASEAN countries, such as Nanning Consensus and Nanning Initiative, and forms a number of cooperation mechanisms. It serves as a channel for economic and trade cooperation, exchange and consultation between traders, governments and business communities of both sides. It is conformable to the times, open, inclusive, and win-win, featuring political mutual trust, policy, infrastructure, trade, financial and people-to-people connectivity.
  As the host of China-ASEAN Expo, Guangxi is constantly enriching the implications and denotations of “Nanning Channel” in its efforts to build China-ASEAN Free Trade Area (CAFTA). Since 2018 marks the 60th anniversary of the founding of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, the Party Committee and the Government of Guangxi decided to accelerate the construction of a number of major public-interest projects, including Guangxi International Zhuang Medicine Hospital, Nanning Garden Expo Park, and the upgrading of Nanning International Convention and Exhibition Centre, which will present Guangxi’s progress in economic and social development, reform and opening up and ethnic unity, thus to invigorate “Nanning Channel” by speeding up its establishment and improving its quality.
  “Mass health” along the Belt and Road
  In August 2015, the project of Guangxi International Zhuang Medicine Hospital was officially launched as one of the major public-interest projects dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the founding of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. It is expected to be the largest Third-Grade Class-A national hospital in China after completion. Benefited from “Nanning Channel”, the project has been absorbing many excellent medical resources from ASEAN countries. At the China-ASEAN Summit Forum on Traditional Medicine on October 27, 2016, Guangxi International Zhuang Medicine Hospital signed a cooperation framework agreement on the training of treatment techniques with national characteristics with Malaysia Global Health Association and a friendly strategic cooperation agreement on academic exchange with Thailand KKS Culture Media Co., Ltd. In December of the same year, it also signed Friendly Cooperation Framework Agreement between Guangxi International Zhuang Medicine Hospital and Singapore Chinese Physicians’ Association with Singapore Chinese Physicians’ Association (SCPA).   Being an important component of Guangxi traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), Zhuang and Yao Medicine, a kind of unique national medicine, was formed and developed by Zhuang and Yao people in their long practice of life and production. The development of Zhuang and Yao Medicine thereupon leads to the emergence of Guangxi International Zhuang Medicine Hospital. Besides, driven by “Nanning Channel”, TCM mass health industry has become a hot topic in China-ASEAN cooperation. During the 14th China-ASEAN Expo in 2017, at the 5th Forum on China-ASEAN Technology Transfer and Collaborative Innovation, Nannning Initiative: Promote International Innovation Cooperation of TCM Mass Health Industry in Guangxi, Hong Kong, Macau and ASEAN in the Context of the Belt and Road was released.
  Nanning Initiative has received positive response from major innovators, such as TCM research institutes, colleges, pharmaceutical enterprises and parks in Hong Kong, Macau and ASEAN countries. It is also agreed by all, under the leadership of Guangxi and with the resources of these regions at hand, to build a platform for innovation cooperation, carry out joint research and development, make technological breakthroughs, establish a standard system for TCM, protect and cultivate medicinal herbs, strengthen the protection of technology trade and intellectual property right, support exchange of innovation talents and facilitate technology transfer and commercialization. In this way, TCM mass health industry can grow better, bigger and stronger.
  Green City ever greener
  From December 2018 to May 2019, themed with “Livable Ecology, Garden Dreams”, the 12th China (Nanning) International Garden Expo (hereinafter referred to as Garden Expo) will be held for ASEAN countries for the first time. An ASEAN Garden and a Silk Road Garden have been specially designed for the Garden Expo and the celebration of the 60th anniversary of the founding of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. The ASEAN Garden will show the cultures and local customs of ASEAN countries through their distinctive architectures and intangible cultures; the Silk Road Garden, on the other hand, will present the history and folk customs of countries and regions along the Belt and Road by displaying their representative landscape, enabling visitors to have a panorama of ASEAN’s customs and cultural treasures in the world.
  “We have given full play to the role of “Nanning Channel” towards the ASEAN. During the Garden Expo, we will take the gardens as a base for exhibition and trade of China-ASEAN ornamental flowers, gardening science and technology as well as cultures and arts, so as to broaden the platform for garden culture demonstration and exchange, and share the Expo with the world,” said Zhou Hongbo, Mayor of Nanning.   “Nannning Channel” has made the Green City ever greener. As China is continuing to achieve forestry technology interaction and transfer in ASEAN countries, and has adopted Nanning Initiative on China-ASEAN Cooperation in Forestry, “Nanning Channel” has been expanded and greener in its development. On the basis of trade, China is actively cooperating with ASEAN countries in such projects as enhancing the cultivation of fast-growing and high-yield plantation, planting of special economic forest and education and training of forestry science and technology, so as to strengthen the underpinning role of forestry science and technology, increase the use of high technology and value-added of exported forest products, accelerate the transformation and upgrading of forestry industry, and promote industrial-capacity cooperation between the two sides. Taking the opportunity of China-ASEAN Year of Tourism Cooperation, the 2017 China-ASEAN Expo Forest & Wood Products Exhibition has actively developed new forms of business like under-forest economy and forest tourism. As a result, products, such as imported landscape trees, sophisticated gardens, and high-end and large-scale forest tourism, are enjoying great popularity.
  Working together towards regional cooperation
  During the 14th China-ASEAN Expo in 2017, with a total exhibition area of 124,000 square meters (including an additional area of 14,000 square meters), 6,600 booths, and 77,000 purchasers and exhibitors from 68 countries and regions, Nanning International Convention and Exhibition Centre received guests from around the world and reached a new peak for economic and trade cooperation. The newly-open pavilions in Zone E were used as a special area for “intelligent manufacturing equipment”, which, driven by innovation and maintaining competitive by being more intelligent, digitized, networked and green, is designed to boost the exports of high-end equipment manufacturing. At the same time, a product launch of drones became another highlight that caught exhibitors’ attention at the Expo.
  It is reported that, to better serve China-ASEAN Expo, an extension project of Nanning International Convention and Exhibition Centre has been initiated at the end of 2014. The Centre will be upgraded by enlarging exhibition area, perfecting facilities and improving transportation system. The venue’s upgrading in terms of area and function will expand the scale and diversity of China-ASEAN Expo, and increase its potential and capability to serve China-ASEAN cooperation. Moreover, the Centre has also increased its hard power to host more international exhibitions and conventions. The completion of the extension in 2018, while acting as a dedication to the 60th anniversary of the founding of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, will inject impetus into “Nanning Channel” for regional cooperation.
  So, “Nanning Channel” is not only for Nanning and Guangxi, but also for China and China-ASEAN. Giving full expression to the role of “Nanning Channel” in building the 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road will be of great significance in raising the strategic position and role of Nanning and even Guangxi in the Belt and Road Initiative and China-ASEAN strategic cooperation.
在每一届中国—东盟博览会期间都会有那么一群人,他们穿戴统一的服装、帽子穿梭在东博会的各个角落,被称为“东博会的形象大使”;他们在会展中心、展览馆、机场等岗位提供场馆指引、运送物资、秩序维持,为东博会的顺利举办提供了有力的保障;他们以周到的服务、灿烂的微笑展示中国形象,在中国与东盟的交流合作中扮演着友好使者的角色……他们有一个共同的名字——东博会志愿者。  2018年是东博会创办15周年。15年的携
在如今的“互联网+”时代,要想赢得发展,网速和通信顺畅显得至关重要。在菲律宾,尽管网民上网时间居全球之冠,但互联网和手机服务缓慢且费用昂贵,常常令消费者感到不满。  不过,随着菲律宾政府近期在通信业释放出的积极信号,这一状况将有可能得到改变。2017年12月10日,菲律宾政府表示,希望通过引入新的公司激发市场竞争,从而改善当地电信行业恶劣的服务质量。如此一来,不仅将提高菲律宾通信服务业的发展水平,
On January 18, 2018, ASEAN-China Centre (ACC) organized the Media Familiarization Trip to Sina.com and China Central Television (CCTV). Officials in charge of media affairs from Embassies of Brunei, C
“这是我第9次参加中国—东盟国际汽车拉力赛暨中国—东盟媒体汽车拉力赛(以下简称两赛),见证了‘中国元素’在东盟各国遍地开花。”新加坡车手张国耀2017年12月28日在印度尼西亚雅加达结束了2017年两赛之旅。  54岁的张国耀是第二代华侨,虽已满头白发但仍然神采奕奕,幽默健谈。  张国耀说,他和两赛的不解之缘始于2006年,当年首届中国—东盟国际汽车拉力赛“诞生”,在新加坡摩托赛车协会任职的张国耀
爱大华,一个位于马来西亚的西北小镇——来自中国福建、广东、海南的先辈们一路行船到此。百年前的荒芜之地经由他们的手变了模样,但源自大海另一边的乡人、乡音、乡情却在这里得以留存。  在90%人口来自福州十邑的爱大华,记者遇到了说着福州话的海南人潘在贤一家。  由潘家经营了75年的“金福面包”是爱大华人说起美食时不得不提到的四个字。延续烘炉烤制的传统做法,这家纯手工面包店成为了整个爱大华地区唯一能够品尝
2019年1月7日,新加坡官方智库公布对“东南亚形势:2019”的最新调查结果显示,在来自东盟10国的政商学界和民间的1000多名受访专家中,有 68%的受访者认为中美两国在东盟“势必发生冲突”。而73%受访者认为,中国对东盟国家的政治影响力已超过美国。将近半数受访者指出,中国提出的“一带一路”倡议会把东盟国家纳入中国的轨道。中美贸易摩擦的议题再引关注。  新加坡《联合早报》:最新的数据显示,两大
2019年1月17日,2019年东盟商机对话会在中国北京召开。会上,东盟有关国家驻华大使馆商务参赞介绍了各自国家的产业经济现状、商务政策及投资环境,帮助中方企业找准合作切入点和着力点,共同探讨中国—东盟经贸合作新机遇。  中国—东盟商务理事会执行理事长许宁宁:中国与东盟双方有着共同应对1997年东亚金融危机和2008年全球金融危机的成功经验。近些年来,双方经济合作发展的有利条件不断增多,以合作应对
从空中俯瞰新加坡港,湛蓝的海面上,众多货轮往来繁忙。从2017年11月开始,船长傅荣华会定期执掌新加坡太平船务有限公司的KOTA JASA班轮,往返于新加坡港—越南海防港—中国钦州港一线,他也见证了班轮货物装载量的日渐增多。走进新加坡昇菘超市,在货架上不难发现中国地方特产和应季水果的身影。而跟随“慧眼中国高级领袖研修班”等考察团的脚步,越来越多新加坡的商界精英对中国西部省区有了新的认识……在国际陆
广西惠禹粮油工业有限公司总经理王喜刚与本刊记者交流时提到:“惠禹公司市场覆盖范围较广,现代物流的发展直接影响我们公司业务能否稳定增长,也对公司市场覆盖范围和竞争力起着举足轻重的作用。”  物流的支出费用是进出口企业运营成本中的大项。物流渠道的选择直接影响公司业务能否稳定增长,对市场覆盖范围和竞争力起着举足轻重的作用,可谓相当重要。  一条辐射范围广、物流通畅、投资环境良好的物流通道,无疑更受企业的