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位于秦岭深处的某县,有一位区长篡改统计数字,虚报邀功。他未受到应有的制裁,倒把该县统计局告到了法院。这是三年前发生在陕西省南部某县的一件真享。许多人听了都感到惊讶!说这是一件怪卒。就是这件怪事,象幽灵一样一直困扰着统计部门,多数统计人员感到困惑,难以理解,因为该县领导竞无一人公开出面讲公道话,不知他们认为这件卒究竞是对还是错。最后,由县监察局出面。讲了几句平衡双方的话,才算是不了了之。统计部门被搞得啼笑皆非,人们说:《统计法》到底是治谁的法21991年3月,笔者写了一篇《怪事在XX》的通讯稿,由地区统计局派人征求该县领导人的意见。当时新上任的县委书记提出在当年4月处理到位,并让人转告笔者不要见著报端、可是直到本文发稿时,还未见到处理结果。听说,本来要就此案在全县发个通报,但内部扯皮到今还未见下文。尽管如此,这位县委领导的态度应该说是积极的。这就是本文中隐去当事者真实姓名及地址的缘由。 A county located in the depths of the Qinling Mountains has a chief tampering with the statistics and making a false invitation. He did not receive due sanctions, but he brought the county statistical office to the court. This is a true story that occurred in a county in southern Shaanxi three years ago. Many people are surprised to hear that this is a paranoid death. It is this weird thing that has plagued the statistics department like a ghost. Most statisticians are confused and hard to understand because no one in the county is compelled to publicly speak out of the fair and do not know whether they think the competition is right or wrong. Finally, by the county supervisory bureau. Speaking a few words to balance the two sides, it can not be regarded as nothing. Statistics department was ridiculed, people said: “Statistical Law” in the end is who rule the law 21991 in March, I wrote a “strange things in the XX” draft, dispatched by the Regional Bureau of Statistics to seek the leadership of the county Views. At that time, the newly appointed secretary of the county party committee put forward that handling should be done in April of that year and people should be told not to read the newspapers. However, the results were not yet seen until the publication of this article. I heard that we had to send a circular on the case in the county, but the inside has never seen the following article. However, the attitude of the county leaders should be said to be positive. This is the reason why the real name and address of the parties are hidden in this article.
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