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汪士慎:我爱梅花 “数点梅花亡国泪,二分明月故臣心”,扬州梅花岭下史可法墓前,一幅巨型梅花帐刻漆螺钿落地屏气势壮观,长歌如拆,这就是“扬州八怪”汪士慎著名的“汪梅”了,这位汪伦后人,半生踏歌江城,清高狂傲,他梅花屏上的繁枝梅花,在南北技头次第开放,“横枝大干走龙虬,尤蕊千花心手狂”盘旋曲折如虬龙舞空,香雪缤纷,满是梅影花光。金冬心说,巢林画繁枝,千花万蕊,管领冷香,俨然灞桥风雪中。 这两幅墨梅,由湿墨阔笔画枝干,再由浓墨点苔,花梢出枝潇洒劲拔。“淡到溪云亦是崖”,画面上的花朵迤逦而来,千回百转又欲语还休。汪士慎墨笔梅花、多江路野梅,荒寒绝俗,花开寂寞的野水之滨。他常常为梅花歌哭:“独有梅花动惆怅,梦中明月到西溪”、“一笑山坡访梅早,何人剪冰作花开”,甚至,月明之夜,皎然如玉的梅花,是美人“逐梦魂来”,真是浪漫入骨,这幅画上的梅花诗说:“笔砚空游越、归来老病加。乱悉生白日,一目著寒花,却笑孤标在,谁夸清影斜,唯君风雪里,往往忆山家。”这是汪士慎老病一目失明后的作品,“一目著寒花”的诗人,寥寥几笔,一枝寒梅扶摇直直上,一枝横斜而出,却又冷香四溢,树树香光落满衣裳。 汪士慎(1686-1759),字近人,号巢林,安徽歙县人,著有《巢林诗集》,“扬州八怪”之一,五十四岁和六十七岁时双目先后失明,汪士慎最爱梅花,铃有“画梅乞米”印,与金农、高翔、梦聘被时人称为四大画梅高手。 Wang Shishen: I love Plum “a few plum blossom country tears, the second moon, the heart of the deceased” Yangzhou Meihua Ridge can be the tomb before the tomb, a giant plum blossom account engraved snail floor screen magnificent spectacular, long songs such as demolition, which is “Yangzhou eight Strange ”Wang Shishen famous“ Wang Mei ”, and this Wang Lun descendants, half-life trek Jiangcheng, tall and proud, his plum blossom screen plum blossom, in the north and south tip first open, You Rui thousand flowers heart hand “circling twists and turns such as the dragon dance dance empty, Fragrant snow colorful, full of Mei Ying spent light. The heart of the Golden Heart said that the nests painted branches, thousands of flowers Rui, tube collar cold incense, as if Baqiao snow. These two Mei Mei, by the wet ink wide strokes, and then thick ink point moss, fancy branches handsome chic. ”Light to the creek is also a cliff,“ the flowers on the screen wander, Thousands of turns and desire also Hugh. Wang Shishin ink pen plum, multi-Jiang Road wild plum, deserted custom, blossom lonely wild water. He often cried for the plum blossom: ”The unique plum blossom melancholy, the dream of the moon to Xixi,“ ”Smile Hill interview Mei early, who cut ice for flowers,“ and even on the moonlight night, Jiaoran Jade plum is Beauty ”dream come,“ is really romantic, Plum Blossom poem on this painting, said: ”Pen and ink empty tour, returning old sick plus. Boast shadow oblique, the only monarch snow, often recall Shan. “This is Wang Shishen blindness blindness after the works,” a glance Hanzhao “poet, a few pen, a stick of plum soared straight, a ramp and Out, but fragrant, fragrant trees covered with clothes. Wang Shishen (1686-1759), the word near people, number nest, Anhui Shexian, author of ”Nest Lin poetry anthology“, ”Yangzhou Baicai,“ one at the age of 54 and sixty-seven eyes have been blind , Wang Shishen favorite plum, bell ”picture plum meter" India, and gold farmers, Gao Xiang, dream hire was known as the four master Mei Mei.
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