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在伟大祖国万象更新、神州大地一片欢乐声中迎来了1995年。过去的一年,全党全国各族人民沿着有中国特色社会主义道路继续前进,正确处理改革、发展、稳定的关系,各项事业都取得了新的进展。值此新年之际,湖南化学工业设计院向上级领导、国内外同仁及有业务联系的朋友们恭贺新年。对各位在过去一年里为湖南化学工业设计院勘察设计事业的兴旺和发展所给予的关心支持和友好合作,致以衷心的感谢。 湖南化学工业设计院建于1958年,是一家以化工、石化、建筑,医药、轻工、市政工程行业为主的综合性工程勘察设计单位,现有职工430余人,其中专业技术人员380余人(高、中级工程技术人员250余人)。该院在37年的勘察设计实践中,积累了丰富的勘察设计经验、设计专业配套、技术力量雄厚、技术装备完善、档案资料齐全,在全国同行业中享有较高的声誉。 In 1995, we welcomed us in the renewal of the great motherland and the joy of the Divine Land. In the past year, the entire party and people of all ethnic groups throughout the country continued to advance along the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics, correctly handled the relationship between reform, development and stability, and made new progress in all undertakings. On the occasion of the New Year, the leaders of Hunan Chemical Industry Design Institute, colleagues at home and abroad, and friends with business ties will congratulate the New Year. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all of you for your support and friendly cooperation in the past year for the prosperity and development of the survey and design business of Hunan Chemical Industry Design Institute. Established in 1958, Hunan Chemical Industry Design Institute is a comprehensive engineering survey and design unit focusing on chemicals, petrochemicals, construction, medicine, light industry and municipal engineering industries. It has more than 430 employees, including more than 380 professional and technical personnel ( More than 250 high and mid-level engineers and technicians. In the 37 years of survey and design practice, the institute has accumulated rich experience in survey and design, professional support for design, strong technical force, complete technical equipment, complete archives and information, and enjoys a high reputation among the industry in the country.
【欧洲核学会《核新闻网》1995年8月30日报道】 韩国最新的核电机组——灵光4号机组已于8月30日达到满功率,年内可望投入商业运行,比原计划提前3个月。 [European Nuclear
【欧洲核 学会《核新闻 网》1995年1 月27日报道】 南非政府已经决定今年3月份关闭该国的铀浓缩厂,这一决定比计划的要早1年。 这座位于佩林达巴(Pelindaba)称为Z工 [Europ
加拿大原子能有限公司(AECL)本月初突然从核管理委员会(NRC)撤回其CANDU—3型许可证申请,认为“美国市场近期不景气”和NRC审查的“费用预计较高”。 AECL的美国子公司——A
【美国《核子周刊》1994年11月24日刊报道】法马通董事长兼总经理Jean-Claude Leny证实说,法国政府已取消关于允许电讯和电力工程集团阿尔卡特尔-阿尔斯通获得多数股份而将
叶利钦总统签署了一项命令,批准了俄罗斯能源部门的长期优先权,包括关于新一代核电厂的规定。 命令规定了到2010年的政策细则,重申了建造新设施的早期承诺,但未给出更多的细