十年痼疾苦无治 一朝回春有神功

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我是一名机关离休干部,在长期的脑力劳动中因思虑过度及其他因素,十几年前患了神经衰弱、胃肠神经官能症,长期顽固性失眠、腹胀、肢冷、精神不佳,工作中常感疲乏,最近两三年又患肺气肿,时常胸痛,虽经多种治疗,仍未痊愈,睡眠仍少而且质量低。今年2月经朋友介绍买了一只神功元气袋,佩戴了四五天,睡眠就有好转,精神也好些了。半个月后,睡眠大有好转,每夜能睡7小时左右,消化也有好转,腹胀减轻。佩戴一个月后,睡眠恢复正常,每日午休1小时,晚上仍能熟睡七八个小时,面色也见红润,肢冷消失。佩戴至50天,尿频、胸痛消失,夜间不再小便,精神大有好转,用脑力、体力均不感疲劳了。为了让更多的患者得以康复,我把神元气袋的包装袋张贴在团机关门诊室向群众宣传介绍。有不少同志向我询问疗效,并托我代买了10个神功元 I am a retired cadre of an organ. Over a long period of mental work, due to over-thinking and other factors, I suffered from neurasthenia, gastrointestinal neurosis, long-term intractable insomnia, abdominal distension, cold limbs, poor mental condition, I feel tired at work, and I have emphysema again and again in recent two or three years. I often have chest pain. After many kinds of treatment, I have not recovered yet, and I still have little sleep and low quality. In February this year, my friend bought a magic bag, wearing four or five days, sleep has improved, the spirit is better. Half a month later, a great improvement in sleep, sleep every night about 7 hours, digestion also improved, reduce abdominal distension. Wear a month later, sleep returned to normal, 1 hour daily lunch break, still sleeping seven or eight hours at night, looking rosy complexion, cold extinction. Wear to 50 days, frequent urination, chest pain disappeared, no urine at night, the spirit of a great improvement, with mental, physical fatigue are not. In order to allow more patients to be rehabilitated, I put bags of God Aeon bags posted in the regiment clinic outreach to the publicity. Many comrades asked me about the curative effect, and asked me to buy 10 magical elements
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