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各位代表、同志们、朋友们! 中国美术家协会第五次全国代表大会,是我国美术界贯彻党的十五大精神,总结过去,展望未来,迎接新世纪的一次盛会。在此,我谨代表中共中央宣传部,向大会表示热烈的祝贺!并通过你们向全国美术工作者致以崇高的敬意和亲切的问候! 新中国成立以后,中国美术事业取得了辉煌成就。几代美术家在党的领导下,积极反映新中国的建设事业,热情讴歌时代、讴歌人民,用自己的艺术实践,为繁荣我国的文艺事业做出了不可磨灭的贡献。党的十一届三中全会以来,广大美术工作者进一步激发了创作热情,描绘改革开放和现代化建设的历史画卷,反映人民群众的创造精神,塑造生动感人的艺术形象,创造出了一大批优秀的美术作品,美术事业迎来了振兴和繁荣的新局面。 Dear delegates, comrades, friends! The Fifth National Congress of the Chinese Artists Association is a grand occasion for our fine arts community to implement the spirit of the 15th Party Congress and sum up the past, look forward and meet the new century. Here, on behalf of the Propaganda Department of the CPC Central Committee, I hereby extend my warm congratulation to the General Assembly! Through you, I would like to extend my highest respect and cordial greetings to the national art workers! Since the founding of New China, the fine arts in China have made brilliant achievements. Several generations of artists, under the leadership of the party, have actively responded to the cause of building new China, enthusiastically praised the people and praised the people for using their own artistic practices to make indelible contributions to the prosperity of China’s literature and art. Since the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the broad masses of art workers have further stimulated their enthusiasm for writing, portraying the history of reform and opening up and the modernization drive, reflecting the creative spirit of the masses and creating a vivid and touching artistic image, and have created a large number of excellent Art works, ushered in the fine arts rejuvenation and prosperity of the new situation.
作客于韩国仁川松岛酒店,被正门前一幅巨大的足球宣传广告深深吸引,同行者多在此留影纪念。 2002年是韩国和日本将共同举办世界杯足球赛的年份,虽说还有4年时间,但韩国把这
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