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浦东经过20年的改革开放,形成了一些具有特色和行之有效的做法,为与其他区域开发经验相区别,就用“浦东××模式”来代之,如“浦东土地开发模式”、“浦东引资模式”、“浦东知识产权保护模式”等。但这些具体的做法,尚不能称之为发展模式。所谓“发展模式”是指“在一定地区、一定历史条件,具有特色的经济发展的路子”。从这个角度说,对浦东20年开发开放主要“路子”的理论总结,可称之为浦东模式。浦东开发开放以来有不少学者研究和总结了浦东开发开放的经验。本书则从中国经济发展阶段角度、从国家战略角度、从对中国其他后进区域发展的示范借鉴角度,解读了浦东具有自身特色的发展思路和路径。因而认为,浦东的价值就是在20年的开发开放中,解放思想,解放生产力,积极探索社会主义市场经济体制。 After 20 years of reform and opening up, Pudong has formed a number of distinctive and effective practices. In order to distinguish it from other regional development experiences, Pudong XX Model is used instead of “Pudong Land Development Model ”, “ Pudong foreign investment model ”, “ Pudong intellectual property protection model ”and so on. However, these specific measures can not be called a mode of development yet. The so-called “development model ” refers to “in certain areas, certain historical conditions, with the characteristics of the economic development path ”. From this perspective, the summary of the theory of Pudong’s development and opening up of major “ways and means” in the past 20 years can be called the Pudong model. Since the Pudong development and opening up, many scholars have studied and summarized the experience of Pudong development and opening up. This book from the perspective of China’s economic development stage, from a national strategic point of view, from the perspective of the demonstration of China’s other progressive regional development from the perspective of Pudong has its own characteristics of development ideas and paths. Therefore, Pudong’s value is that in 20 years of development and opening up, emancipating the mind, liberating the productive forces and actively exploring the socialist market economic system.
青啤之所以能够在较短的时间里取得不俗的销售业绩和传播效果主要得益于第一企画深谙北京人“民心”和“民意”之精髓。 Tsingtao Brewery has been able to achieve good s
台北市长郝龙斌出身岛内烜赫的将门家庭,踏入仕途后一路顺遂,很快崛起为岛内政坛的一颗新星。一直以来,行事低调的郝龙斌在国民党中生代接班梯队中的行情并不被外界看好,但其近日接连抛出声援陈水扁保外就医及提供资金援助屏东受灾户等话题后,人们不得不重新审视这位国民党未来接班的有力竞逐者。  充满“意外”的政坛之路  郝龙斌祖籍是江苏盐城,1952年8月22日生于台北市。纵观其从政历程,可说是由一连串的“意外