
来源 :地理科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huangcong8888
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以城镇化过程持续加速而耕地流失及粮食供需形势日趋严峻的太湖流域为研究区,结合遥感、土壤、气象及农业统计数据,借助AEZ模型和GIS开展1985~2010年土地利用变化对耕地生产力的影响分析及评价。结果表明:1流域耕地生产力水平较高,高产耕地分布广泛;2近30 a来就地城镇化和工业化发展导致流域建设用地快速扩张,耕地数量锐减;3由于减少的多为城市周边及交通沿线水土条件优越的优质耕地,新增的则多是来源于土地复垦或整理的低产耕地,“高产耕地锐减-低产耕地缓增”导致流域耕地生产力水平下降,且在不同发展阶段下降格局不同;4高产田锐减导致流域粮食大幅减产,不同县域由于经济发展水平和耕地利用条件不同,粮食减幅呈现显著空间差异。 With the continuous acceleration of urbanization process and the loss of cultivated land and the increasingly severe food supply and demand situation in the Taihu Lake basin as the research area, this paper, combining the remote sensing, soil, meteorology and agricultural statistics, carried out the land use change of 1985-2010 on the productivity of cultivated land Impact analysis and evaluation. The results showed that: (1) The productivity of arable land in a river basin is relatively high, and the distribution of high-yielding arable land is widespread; (2) In-situ urbanization and industrialization led to rapid expansion of land for construction in the past 30 years and a sharp decline in the number of arable land; High-quality arable land with superior soil and water conditions along the line is newly added, mostly from low-yield arable land reclaimed or collated by the land. “High-yielding arable land decreases sharply-slowly increasing of low-yielding arable land” leads to a decline in the productivity of arable land in the watershed, The pattern of decline is different; 4 sharp decline in high-yield fields led to a substantial grain yield reduction in different counties due to different levels of economic development and the conditions of arable land utilization, grain growth showed significant spatial differences.
根据沼泽地带工程地质特征的分析,结合工程实际,对各种地基处理方法进行技术经济对比分析,对一般民用建筑,提出了换土垫层法的地基处理设计方案。 Based on the analysis of