海难事故遇难者遗体数量众多,但相对于空难、爆炸、火灾等事故遗体的保存完好,个体识别难度相对较小,在法医学检验鉴定方面,主要突出体现快速高效性和规范化、程序化。本文通过对发生在烟台的“11.2 4”、“10 .2 8”两起特、重大海难遇难者遗体的法医学鉴定,试图为建立处置各
The number of shipwrecked victims remains large. However, the number of survivors is relatively low compared with those of accidents such as air crashes, explosions and fires. The difficulty of individual identification is relatively small. In the field of forensic examinations and identification, the main features are quick, efficient, standardized and proceduralized. Through the forensic identification of the remains of the major victims of the “11.24” and “10.28” occurred in Yantai, this article attempts to establish a