成功的调研 丰硕的收获——《山东历史文化遗址调查与保护研究报告》导言

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教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目《山东历史文化遗址现状调查与保护建议》,历经二年多时间,课题组十数位成员共同努力,即将完成,结集出版了。这项重大的学术性调查工程的完成,既是课题组全体同志充分利用2005、2006两个年头的秋、冬、春季节田野裸露的有利时机,顶风冒雪,风餐露宿,踏遍全省17个市,139个县(市、区)的山山水水,行程数万公里调查得来的;又是致公党山东省委会、山东省文物局大力支持,全省各市、县有关领导干部、文物工作者和人民群众共同关心、参与的一项丰硕成果。它既展现着以学者、专家为主的课题组成员的集体智慧,也凝聚着社会各界和广大群众的殷殷心血。 After more than two years’ time, the key project of humanities and social sciences key research base of the Ministry of Education, “Survey and Protection of the Status Quo of Historical and Cultural Sites in Shandong Province”, the group of ten members work together to be completed soon, compiled and published. The completion of this major academic investigation project is not only a time when all the staff in the research group took full advantage of the favorable opportunities of field exposure in autumn and winter and spring in 2005 and 2006, , 139 counties (cities, districts) of the mountains and rivers, tens of thousands of kilometers traveled to investigate; and is the Zhigong Party Shandong Provincial Committee, Shandong Provincial Cultural Relics Bureau strongly support the province’s cities and counties, the relevant leading cadres, cultural relics Workers and the people of common concern, participate in a fruitful. It not only shows the collective wisdom of members of the task force mainly composed of scholars and experts, but also embodies the earnest efforts of all sectors of society and the general public.
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类凤湿尘肺(Rheumatoid Pneumoc-oniosis,简称 RP)是自家免疫因素参与的特殊类型的尘肺。1950年比利时医师 Colinet首先在矽肺病人身上描写类风湿性关节炎(Rheumatoid arthr