患者,男,7岁。诊断:惊厥原因待查。因人事不省、四肢抽搐而入院,入院肘神志淡漠,四肢抽搐,体温37.2℃,P108次/分,R26次/分。给予苯巴比妥、阿米卡星等药物治疗。并静注钙剂,第二天针眼处起疱、第三、四天出现皮肤青紫、第五天皮肤溃烂,给清创、换药,约25天伤口才愈合。 钙能促进骨骼的生长与硬度;维持神经肌肉的正常兴奋性;抗炎抗过敏;缓解平滑肌痉挛;解救镁中毒。临床上用于治疗佝偻病、软骨病、手足搐搦症、荨麻疹、接触性皮炎和其他毛细血管通透性增加的过敏性疾病,以及肠绞痛、胆绞痛、肾绞痛、镁中毒等。钙剂在临床上比较常用,但它存在一些副作用,
Patient, male, 7 years old. Diagnosis: convulsions to be investigated. Due to personnel incontinence, convulsions and hospitalized limbs, admission elbow indifferent, limbs convulsions, body temperature 37.2 ℃, P108 beats / min, R26 beats / min. Give phenobarbital, amikacin and other drug treatment. And intravenous calcium, the next day pinch eye blister, the third, four days of skin bruising, the fifth day of skin ulceration, debridement, dressing change, about 25 days wound healing. Calcium can promote bone growth and hardness; to maintain the normal excitability of neuromuscular; anti-inflammatory anti-allergic; relieve smooth muscle spasm; save magnesium poisoning. Clinically for the treatment of rickets, rickets, tetany, urticaria, contact dermatitis and other capillary permeability increased allergic diseases, and colic, biliary colic, renal colic, magnesium poisoning. Calcium is more commonly used clinically, but it has some side effects,