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长毛对虾(Fenneropenaeus penicillatus Alcock)又名大虾、白虾、红尾虾、红虾、大明虾,隶属对虾科对虾属,是对虾类中的大型虾之一,广泛分布在印度洋、西太平洋的巴基斯坦到印度尼西亚沿海一带,我国福建、台湾及广东东部沿海最为常见,是南方省区重要的海洋捕捞和养殖对象;养殖120~150天,体长可达120mm 以上,每667m~2产量100kg 左右。 1 形态特征长毛对虾体淡棕黄色,额角上缘7~8齿,下缘4~ 6齿,额角基部侧视比中国对虾的高,而比墨吉对虾的低,额角后脊伸至头胸甲后缘附近,无中央沟,第1触角鞭比头胸甲稍长,雄虾第3颚足末节有毛笔状长毛,其长度为末第2节的1.2~2.7倍,额角脊上有断续的凹点, 雌交接器前片顶端的疣突比墨吉对虾的小。 2 生态习性长毛对虾存活的最高温度为40%,最低10℃C,生长 Fenneropenaeus penicillatus Alcock, also known as prawn, white shrimp, red-tailed shrimp, red shrimp, prawn, shrimp belonging to the Division shrimp, shrimp is one of the large shrimp, widely distributed in the Indian Ocean, the Western Pacific Pakistan to Indonesia along the coast, China Fujian, Taiwan and eastern Guangdong coast is the most common, is the southern province of important marine fishing and breeding object; breeding 120 to 150 days, the body length of up to 120mm or more, yield of 667m ~ 2 about 100kg. 1 morphological characteristics of hairy prawn body light brown, forehead on the edge of 7 to 8 teeth, the lower edge of 4 to 6 teeth, forehead base angle than the Chinese shrimp, but lower than the Mexican shrimp, forehead extension to the head There was no central ditch around the trailing edge of the breastplate, and the first antenna was slightly longer than the first half of the breastplate. The length of the third palate of the male was 1.2-2.7 times longer than that of the last 2, There are intermittent pits, the wart of the top of the female connector is smaller than that of the jellyfish. 2 ecological habits hairy shrimp survival maximum temperature of 40%, the lowest 10 ℃ C, growth
半滑舌鳎(Cynoglossus semilaevis Cunther)属鲽形目、舌鳎科、舌鳎属,俗称鳎目、鳎米,是我国传统的名贵鱼类,黄、渤海常见的大型舌鳎,海捕的最大个体可达3kg。其内脏团小,出
我能在第三次中日数学教育学研究大会上作讲演,深感荣幸。 这次,与其说我是作专门的研究报告,不如说我是以概观整个发展趋势的方式,来讨论[个人计算机在数学教学中的作用]。
1996年 ,苏格兰暴发了急性胃肠炎 ,其后发生的急性肾功能衰竭造成了病人的死亡 ,追溯其原因是肉店的卫生条件不佳 ,造成大肠杆菌 0 157感染及相关的溶血性尿毒症综合征。尽管