,Joint cooperative beamforming and artificial noise design for secure AF relay networks with energy-

来源 :信息与电子工程前沿(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chenchaozhi
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In this paper, we investigate physical layer security for simultaneous wireless information and power transfer in amplify-and-forward relay networks. We propose a joint robust cooperative beamforming and artificial noise scheme for secure communication and efficient wireless energy transfer. Specifi cally, by treating the energy receiver as a potential eavesdropper and assuming that only imperfect channel state information can be obtained, we formulate an optimization problem to maximize the worst-case secrecy rate between the source and the legitimate information receiver under both the power constraint at the relays and the wireless power harvest constraint at the energy receiver. Since such a problem is non-convex and hard to tackle, we propose a two-level optimization approach which involves a one-dimensional search and semidefi nite relaxation. Simulation results show that the proposed robust scheme achieves better worst-case secrecy rate performance than other schemes.
该研究的目的是在前人工作的基础上进一步完善杜仲(Eucommia ulmoides Oliv.)微繁殖体系,为今后快速繁殖杜仲优株提供方法上的参考.试验材料有两种,即2年生杜仲实生苗的带腋
该研究利用先进的便携式CO气体分析系统CI-301PS和叶绿素荧光仪OS5-FL,田间 活体测量不同育咱阶段的甘蔗无性系和有性系杂交后代,以单株为单位测定12个甘蔗组合和10个甘蔗F代
斑茅(Erianthus sect.Ripidium)为甘蔗属近缘的野生植物,以其特有的强生势和强抗性愈来愈受到甘蔗育种者的重视.中国甘蔗育种者以其为亲本与甘蔗杂交育出一些很有希望的后代,
A standing wave oscillator(SWO) is a perfect clock source which can be used to produce a high frequency clock signal with a low skew and high reliability. However, it is difficult to tune the SWO in a