A brown fine--grained mineral aggregate in the form of plate and stuffing was found in theHannuoba spinel-lherzolite.A series of measurements, including X--ray powder diffraction,infrard spectrometry, DTA and electron microprobe analysis, were made on this aggregate. Theresults show tha the aggregate consists of the following minerals: hydrous magnesio-silicateminerals, metamorphic chrysotile,ringwoodite, spinel, rutile, forsterite etc. This is a high-pressure hydrous mineral aggregate never reported in lherzolite elsewhere. Based on the compositions and distribution features of the minerals, it is suggested that thefine--grained mineral aggregate was derived from phlogopite, which had been formed early in theupper mantle and was hydrolyzed during partial melting.
A brown of - grained mineral aggregate in the form of plate and stuffing was found in the Hannuoba spinel-lherzolite. A series of measurements, including X-ray powder diffraction, infrard spectrometry, DTA and electron microprobe analysis, were made on this aggregate . Theresults show tha the aggregate consists of the following minerals: hydrous magnesio-silicateminerals, metamorphic chrysotile, ringwoodite, spinel, rutile, forsterite etc. This is a high-pressure hydrous mineral aggregate never reported in lherzolite elsewhere. Based on the compositions and distribution features of the minerals, it is suggested that thefine - grained mineral aggregate was derived from phlogopite, which had been formed early in theupper mantle and was hydrolyzed during partial melting.