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   1. 一般过去时态,往往表示或描述过去曾经发生了某事或某动作,且暗示“现在已不这样”, 一般都有明显的表示“过去”的时间状语,如: yesterday, the other day, last year, that morning等;或是有上下文提供过去时间的参照。例如:
   John gave me a beautiful book yesterday.
   We went to the park the other day.我们几天前去公园了。
   When I got to the cinema, the film was already on, so I did not see the beginning.当我到达影院时, 电影已上映,所以我错过了开头部分。
   —The food here is nice enough.
   —My friend_______ me a right place.(09湖南, 35)
   A. introduces B. introduced
   C. had introduced D. was introducing
   key: B
   —You speak very good French!
   —Thanks. I ______ French in Sichuan University for four years.(09四川, 18)
   A. studied B. study
   C. was studying D. had studied
   Key: A
   语意与解释:(你的法语说的好极了!——谢谢! 我在四川大学学了四年法语。)回答人表示自己过去曾在四川大学学过法语,这是发生在过去的情况,故用一般过去时。答语中有“for four years” 这个时间段,因此很多学生就误用了过去完成时,此处没有“过去的过去”这个时间参照。
   如果这个题目更换成下面两种情况, 我们则用现在完成时和过去完成时。
   1. I ______(study)French in Sichuan University for four years (我在四川大学学法语四年了)。表示到现在为止,完成的情况,故用现在完成时(have studied)
   2. I ______(study)French in Sichuan University for four years before I went abroad. (在回中国前,他学了四年法语)。此处表示:学法语发生在出国之前,是过去的过去,故用过去完成时(had studied)。
   下面是两道近两年高考试题,很多学生犯了同样的思维错误:句中只要有时间段,或情况发生的次数,就用现在完成时态,如果是发生在过去,就用过去完成时态。但我们要清楚,“for + 时间段”并不是完成时态的标志,与时态没关系。 例如: I watched TV fortwo hours last night, so I got up late this morning(昨晚我看了两个小时的电视,所以今天早晨起床晚了)。此处虽有时间段,但描述的是昨晚的事情,故仍用一般过去时。
   I _______ in London for many years, but I’venever regretted my final decision to move back to China.(06重庆,31)
   A. lived B. was living
   C. have lived D. had lived
   Key: A
   语意与解释:(虽然在伦敦生活了8年,但我对最终回到中国的决定从不感到遗憾。)根据语境,可以得知,“我”现在在中国,有一个在伦敦生活8年的经历,所以尽管有for + 时间段, 我们还是应该用一般过去时。在伦敦生活了8年,并没发生在过去的过去,也没有说目前仍在伦敦居住,所以排除C、D 两项。
   He ____ football regularly for many years when he was young.(08天津,14)
   A. was playing B. played
   C. has played D. had played
   Key: B
   语意与解释:(当他年轻时,他踢了多年足球。)when he was young 是一个时间参照,表示他在年轻时发生的事情,故用一般过去时。又如:
   When he was at 10, John went to China twice.( 约翰10岁时去过中国两次。)
   2. 过去完成时的定义是“过去的过去”, 即表示某情况发生在“另一个过去”之前。用于过去完成时态的句子,一般都有一个使用过去时态的从句做参照或暗示,最常见的是before引导的时间状语从句。例如:
   John had sent me a good book before he went back to Japan.约翰在回日本之前,送给我一本漂亮的书。
   2. He had been to many cities when he was sent to America. ( 在他被派往美国之前已去过很多城市了)。去过很多城市发生在被派往美国之前,故用 had done 表示“过去的过去”。
   John was giventhe same suitcase his father and grandfather _____ with them to school.(09北京,32)
   A. took B. had taken
   C. were taking D. would take
   Key: B
   语意与解释:(约翰得到了父亲和祖父上学时携带的那个手提箱。)以John was giventhe same suitcase 为时间参照物,其父亲和祖父携带手提箱上学,发生在此事之前,故用过去完成时。
   She stared at the painting, wondering where she _____ it.(09重庆,23)
   A. saw B. has seen
   C. sees D. had seen
   Key: D
   语意与解释:( 她凝视着这幅画,纳闷在哪里曾见过它。)此处的“见过”发生在凝视或纳闷之前,是“过去的过去”,故用过去完成时。
  1. —Did Alan enjoy seeing his old friendsyesterday ?
   —Yes, he did. He _______ his old friends for a long time(07重庆,23)
   A. didn’t see B. wouldn’t see
   C. hasn’t seen D. hadn’t seen
  2. When I called you this morning, nobodyanswered the phone. Where _______? (07重庆,33)
  A. did you go B. have you gone
  C. were you D. had you been
  3. The hotel wasn’t particularly good, but I_______in many worse hotels. (08北京,27)
  A. was staying B. stayed
  C. would stay D. had stayed
  4. —Have you read a book called Waiting forAnya?
  —Who _______ it?(08北京,22)
   A. writes B. has written
   C. wrote D. had written
  5. —What do you think of the movie?
   —It’s fantastic. The only pity is that I _______ the beginning of it.(09浙江,20)
   A. missed B. had missed
   C. miss D. would miss
   Keys: DCDCA
   二、 一般将来时和将来进行时
   1.一般将来时,是表达将来要发生或存在的状态或事物的必然趋势。 其表现形式有很多种,最常见的列举如下:
   will do是最常见形式,即表示将来发生的情况,也有时表示临时决定。例如:
   I will be a teacher in the future. 将来我会成为一名教师。
   We will die without air.没有空气我们就会死亡。
   I forgot to bring my book here, and I will fetch it. (我忘记带课本来了,我这就拿去)
   —Ann is in hospital.
   —Oh, really?I ____ know. I ____ go and visit her.(09江苏,22)
   A. didn’t;am going to
   B. don’t; would
   C. don’t; will
   D. didn’t ; will
   Key: D
   语意与解释:(——ANN在住院。——哦, 是吗? 我不知道。我要看看她去。)此处表示回答者原先不知道此事,现在有个想法去看望她。will此处表示临时决定。
   I think it is necessary for my 19-year- old son to have his own mobile phone, for I sometimes want to make sure if he _______ home for dinner.(2006辽宁,29)
   A. come B. comes
   C. has come D. will come
   Key: D
   语意与解释:(我认为我19岁的儿子,有必要拥有自己的手机,因为我有时想确定是否他将回家吃饭。)If从句做make sure 的宾语,而不是一个条件句,故用将来时。
   —Did you tell Julia about the result?
   —Oh, no, I forgot. I ______ her now.(2005全国,Ⅱ)
   A. will be calling B. will call
   C. call D. have to call
   Key: B
   语意与解释:( 你告诉Julia结果了吗?——哦,没有, 忘了。我这就去告诉他。)此处表示临时决定,故用will do。will be calling 是将来进行时,have to call与原句义不符。例如:
   The headmasteris going to speak in the meeting.校长要在会上发表讲话。
   The clouds are gathering in the sky. Itis going to rain.云彩正在天空聚集,天要下雨了。
   The person was gathering his clothes into the case. He was going to escape from the place. 这个人正往箱子里收拾衣服,他有逃离的迹象。
   Dr. Smith, together with his wife and daughters, _____ visit Beijing this summer.(09陕西,7 )
   A. is going to B. are going to
   C. was going to D. were going to
   Key: A
   语意和解释:(今年夏天,史密斯医生要同他的妻子、女儿来北京。)这是今年夏天将要发生的事情,故用将来时,又结合主语是Dr. Smith, 其后的介词短语不是主语部份,故答案为A。
   —Tom, you didn’t come to the party last night?
   —I _______ butI suddenly remembered I had homework to do. (2007全国Ⅱ,20)
   A. had to B. didn’t
   C. was going to D. wouldn’t
   Key: C
   语意和解释:(Tom, 你昨晚没有来参加聚会吗?——我打算来,但突然想起我还有作业要做。)参加聚会是原先计划的事情,故用be going to do。
   When he _____ the door, he found his keys were nowhere.(09湖南,23)
   A. would open B. opened
   C. had opened D. was to open
   Key: D
   语意和解释:(当他要开门时,他发现找不到钥匙了。)此处表示“要开门,将要开门” ,故用be to do。would open 是过去将来时,而在时间状语从句中,我们不用将来时;opened 表示已经发生;had opened表示“过去的过去”,此处没有这个时间参照。
   Either you or one of your students _______ to attend the meeting that is due tomorrow.(09湖南,33)
   A. are B. is C. have D. be
   Key: B
   语意和解释:(你或是你的一个学生要参加明天举行的会议。)“参加”这个动作发生在明天, 故用be to do。另be to do 也可用于个别常见动词(blame, let 等),表示将来的被动动作。例如:
   The house is to (let out). 此房要出租。
   The girl is to blame for the accident.这个女孩要为此事故负责。
   I feel it is your husband who _____ for the spoiled child.(2002 上海,21)
   A. is to blame B. is going to blame
   C. is to be blamed D. should blame
   Key: A
   语意和解释:(我感觉,是你丈夫要对这个被宠坏的孩子负责任。)be to blame 表示将要负责或受责备。
   be + doing 是用某些特殊动词的进行时表示将来的动作。这些词常是leave, start, come, go, stay, arrive等表示“位移”的动词。例如:
   The bus was starting, please come on.汽车就要发动了,请快些。
   I am coming.我马上来。
   —Are you still busy?
   —Yes. I _____ my work, and it won’t take long.(05浙江,12)
   A. just finish
   B. am finishing
   C. have just finished
   D. am just going to finish
   Key: B
   语意和解释:(——你一直忙吗?——是的,我这就快完成了,而且用不了多少时间的。)“完成” 动作发生在将来,故用了be doing。
   Ladies and gentlemen, please fasten your seat belts. The plane ____.(2006福建,24)
   A. takes off B. is taking off
   C. has taken off D. took off
   Key: B
   语意和解释:(女士们,先生们! 请系好安全带,飞机就要起飞了。)“起飞”将要进行,是个将来动作,故用be doing。has taken off 是现在完成时,表示“起飞”动作已经发生,因此被排除掉。
   2. will be doing 是将来进行时,表示将来正在发生的动作或情况,它们一般都有明显的时间状语来做背景或参照。例如:
   We will be having a picnic this time tomorrow.明天的这个时候,我们正在野餐。
   They will be studying in the college this time next year.明年这个时候,他们将正在大学里学习。
   Daniel’s family _____ their holiday in Huangshan this time next week.(09安徽, 23)
   A. are enjoying B. areto enjoy
   C. will enjoy D. will be enjoying
   Key: D
   语意和解释:(Daniel 一家下周这个时候将在黄山,正愉快地度假。)此处的享受假日,将发生在下周的这个时间,故用will be doing.
   At this time tomorrow, ____ over the Atlantic.(2003,北京,22)
   A. we’re going to fly
   B. we’ll be flying
   C. we’ll fly
   D. we’re to fly
   Key: B
   语意与解释:(明天这个时候,我们正飞越大西洋。)此处是表示飞行动作将在明天这个时候进行,故用will be doing。
  1. Population experts predict that most people_______ in cities in the near future. (2008 春季,29)
   A. live B. would live
   C. will live D. have lived
  2. —You have left the light on.
   —Oh, so I have._______ and turn it off.(2000全国,13)
   A. I’ll go B.I’ve gone
   C. Igo D. I’m going
  3. —Your job _____ open for you.
   A. will be kept B. will keep
   C. had kept D. had been kept
  4. Let’s keep to the point or we _______ any decision.(2004, 全国Ⅱ,22)
   A. will never reach
   B. have never reached
   C. never reach
   D. never reached
  5. Because the shop_______ , all the T-shirtsare sold at half price.(2004浙江,34)
   A. has closed down B. closed down
   C. is closing down D. had closed down
   Keys: CAAAC
   三、 一般现在时,现在完成时和现在被动进行时
   1. 一般现在时(be ...;do / does ...),常表示事实、规律、习惯、秉性、爱好等。我们一定要注意它应用在状语从句中, 表示将来时的这个特殊情况。例如:
   The earth circles the sun.地球绕太阳转。
   Our teacher said that China is a big country.老师说中国是个大国。
   I won’t go there if it rains tomorrow.如果 明天下雨,我就不去那里了。
   if 引导的条件句用一般现在时,表示将来。
   According to the literary review, Shakespeare _______ his characters live throughtheir languagein his plays.(2009福建,31)
   A. will make B. had made
   C. was making D. makes
   Key: D
   语意与解释:( 根据文学评论,莎士比亚是通过喜剧中的语言,让人物鲜活起来的。)此处是文学评论,介绍剧本语言的特点,故用一般现在时。
   Professor William keeps telling his students that the future _____ to the well educated.(2009重庆,30)
   A. belongs B. is belonged
   C. is belonging D. will be belonged
   Key: A
   2. 现在完成时 (have / has + done),表示一个动作开始于过去,持续到现在(可能还要持续下去),或者是着重过去发生的情况对现在造成的影响;有的则是在一些特殊条件、时间或让步状语从句中,表示将来某时间以前已经完成的动作。现在完成时态一般都有明显的时间状语或时间标志,如: lately, recently, in the past / last / recent + 时间名词;since, so far,up to now等。例如:
   I have readitsofar. (迄今,我已经读过它了)。此处使用现在完成时,表示“读过”,暗示“已了解这本书”。
   This is the first time ( that ) he has gone to Beijing ( 这是他第一次去北京)。此处使用现在完成时表示他已去北京。
   His sister left home in1998, and ____ since.(2009全国Ⅰ,26)
   A. had not been heard of
   B. has not been heard of
   C. had not heard of
   D. has not heard of
   Key: B
   语意与解释:(他的姐姐1998年离家,自那以后杳无音信。)此处用标志词since, 表示从那至今“没有消息”的结果,故用现在完成时。
   This is the first time we _______ a film in the cinema together as a family.(2009陕西,9)
   A. see B. had seen
   C. saw D. have seen
   Key: D
   语意与解释:(这是我们全家第一次去看电影。)This is the first time ...是固定句式,后面从句一般用现在完成时。
   I like these English songs and they ____ many times on the radio.(2008安徽,33)
   A. taught B. have taught
   C. are taught D. have been taught
   Key: D
   语意与解释:(我喜欢这些英文歌曲,它们被广播许多次了。)“被广播了许多次” 就表明导致了这个结果:它们已被听众熟悉了, 故用完成时态,此处又是被动行为,故答案为D。
   3. 现在被动进行时( be being + done) 表示一个被动动作,正在发生或进行。这个结构常作表语或后置定语。例如:
   The bike is being repaired.这辆自行车正在修。
   The bike being repaired belongs to me. 正在修的那辆自行车是我的。
   —Why don’t we choose that road to save time?
   —The bridge to it _______.(2009四川,15)
   A. has repaired
   B. is repaired
   C. is being repaired
   D. will be repaired
   Key: C
   语意与解释:(——你为什么不选择那条路来节省时间呢?——通往它的那座桥正在被修。) “修建动作”正在进行,又是被动行为,故用be being + done。
   Would you please keep silent? The weather report _____ and I want to listen.(2009 湖南,27)
   A. is broadcast
   B. is being broadcast
   C. has been broadcast
   D. had been broadcast
   Key: B
   语意与解释:( 请保持安静好吗?正在广播天气预报,我想听。)“预报”行为正在被进行,故用be being + done。
  1. —What is the price of petrolthese days?
   —Oh, it _____ sharply since last month.(09江西,29)
  A. is raised B. has risen
  C. has arisen D. is increased
  2. My friend, who ____ on the International Olympic Committee all his life, is retiring next month.(2006浙江,16)
   A. served B. is serving
   C. had served D. has served
  3. My brother is an actor. He _______ in several films so far.(2005浙江,1)
   A. appears B. appeared
   C. has appeared D. is appearing
  4. —What would you do if it _____ tomorrow?
   —We have to carry it on , since we’ve got everything ready. (2005全国Ⅰ, 28)
  A. rain B. rains
  C. will rain D. is raining
  5. —What is that noise?
   —Oh, I forgot to tell you . Thenewmachine______. (2008浙江,7)
   A. was tested B. will be tested
   C. is being tested D. has been tested
   Keys: BDCBC
1 be absentfrom…缺席,不在 Is anybody absent from dass?
1.What will you break once you say it?什么东西一说出来就打破?
Almost any bookstore has a variety of information about the restaurants and food specialties in the area.
1.大熊猫    大熊猫是世界上最珍贵稀有的动物。它生活在四川、陕西和甘肃省的偏远高山地区,以竹子为食。这是从第四纪冰河时期存活下来的物种,被人们誉为“活化石”。大熊猫也被称作中国的“国宝”。
Visitors from the countnes where sociaI rank(等级)is very important may feel that in Americalittle attention is given to showing special respectto certain honorable people.
There are lines of laurel trees(桂树)along thetracks on our compus.
It is only when a seed 9,rows that it can produce more seeds. It is only when you express joy and satisfaction in your own life that you can help others to know joy and satisfaction in their lives. It
著名语言学家Wilkins曾这样说过:....Without grammar very little can be conveved,without vocabularv nothing can be conveved(没有语法表达不了什么意思,而没有词汇表达不了任何意思)。词汇学习的重要性毋庸置疑。