
来源 :实用预防医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:caorongbb
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目的早期筛查、诊断、干预青春期多囊卵巢综合征(polycystic ovary syndrome,PCOS),有效预防近期及远期并发症,减轻青春期少女心理负担,提高生活质量。方法 2004年10月-2009年10月我院妇科对526例初潮2~3年后的青春期月经不规则者进行PCOS高危筛查,将确诊为青春期PCOS分三组,分别采取三种不同治疗方法进行早期干预,观察临床效果。结果 526例初潮2~3年后的青春期月经不规则少女中筛查出青春期PCOS159例,分三组:A组53例仅限制饮食、加强锻炼进行干预,恢复月经周期11例、恢复排卵6例、恢复激素水平9例;B组53例在限制饮食、加强锻炼基础上加服妈富隆和二甲双胍进行干预,恢复月经周期53例、恢复排卵38例、恢复激素水平53例;C组53例在限制饮食、加强锻炼基础上加服达英-35和二甲双胍进行干预,恢复月经周期53例、恢复排卵39例、恢复激素水平53例。结论初潮2~3年后的青春期月经不规则者,青春期PCOS发生率高,并发症多,具有高危因素者宜早期进行筛查,确诊后应用不同干预措施效果不同,故选适宜的干预措施,能有效预防近期及远期并发症,减轻青春期少女心理负担,提高生活质量。 Objective Early screening, diagnosis and intervention of adolescent polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) can effectively prevent short-term and long-term complications, reduce the psychological burden of adolescent girls and improve the quality of life. Methods From October 2004 to October 2009, 526 cases of adolescent menstrual irregular menstruation after 526 cases of menarche were enrolled in this study. The PCOS patients were diagnosed as adolescent. The patients were divided into three groups and were treated with three different methods For early intervention, observe the clinical effect. Results A total of 159 adolescent PCOS cases were screened out from 526 cases of adolescent irregular menstruation after adolescent girls aged 2 ~ 3 years. Group A consisted of only 53 cases limited diet and exercise training. 11 cases recovered menstrual cycle and 6 cases recovered ovulation , Restoring hormone levels in 9 cases; 53 cases of group B in the diet restrictions, plus exercise on the basis of plus Marvelon and metformin intervention to restore the menstrual cycle in 53 cases, restore ovulation in 38 cases, restore hormone levels in 53 cases; C group of 53 cases Restrictions on diet, exercise on the basis of plus Escitalol -35 and metformin intervention, 53 cases of menstrual cycle recovery, 39 cases of ovulation recovery, recovery of hormone levels in 53 cases. Conclusions In adolescent period after 2 ~ 3 years, the incidence of PCOS is high in adolescent with irregular menstruation. There are many complications of PCOS in early adolescence. Patients with high risk should be screened early and different interventions should be used after diagnosis. Therefore, appropriate interventions, Can effectively prevent the short-term and long-term complications, reduce the psychological burden of adolescent girls, improve the quality of life.
结合实验室现有手摇三相交流发电机(JY 23-88)仪器,简析了三相电路的电源连接方式与负载的连接方式以及线电压、相电压与线电流、相电流之间的关系,并对手摇三相交流发电机演